Friday, May 22, 2009

You are leaving, and I'm breaking down.
I don't know how to survive here without you.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Had to pay $650.55 to the library.

My heart is extremely painful right now.

Sidenote: Getting tattooed on June 10 with Ronnie. Yay!

Monday, May 04, 2009

This weekend has served as an awakening for me. Inspired by Harvey Milk and insulted by the group of Christian Fundies who hijacked AWARE (a secular NGO for women), I decided to skip work, rally a few people to attend, and headed down to Suntec Convention Hall on 2nd May 2009.

What made me so interested in this whole AWARE saga was due to the lies that the new committee members were spreading. Lies such as AWARE was promoting lesbianism, being gay is a choice, gays can be changed, and sex education only makes teenage girls experiment.


Well, those are some ignorant opinions founded on biased opinions with no solid evidence to prove their case. What sense is there that a session on homosexuality in a sex-ed class would turn 40 girls in a class gay?

(And if that logic was true I would have turned out straight. All those topics on hetero normative stuff)

Plus to my knowledge, AWARE has always tried to distant herself from the GLBT community, as they did not want to be known as a lesbian group.

But besides the obvious gay reason on why I chose to make a stand, I also did not agree with their anti-abortion and pro-life stand. While I believe every baby is a life worth conceiving, sometimes a certain turn of event might result in an unwanted pregnancy that would be in the best interest of both mother and baby to abort the baby e.g rape, incest rape. As a secular group, they should not impose Christian values on women in need of help.

If we had lost (we won anyway!), it would be the start of the fall of civil societies in Singapore, resulting in the lack of racial harmony and diversity.

we-are-aware is a group that does not support the new committee, consisting of old and new members.

As a secular group, you should stand up for all women: gay, straight, bisexual, transgendered, divorced, abused, raped etc.

I reached there at 12pm, and boy were the queues long.

So I'm anti woman, anti family, anti Spore?



We won, 1414 to 761 votes!

This experience as a first time activist has taught me that no matter how conservative, or perceived to be conservative, a society may be, there is always a hope that human rights and civil rights will prevail over all bigotry, ignorance and discrimination. We should not give up- hope and change is on our way.