Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Cooped up at home, with nothing to do, thinking of how much I wish to get out of here.

Can you imagine earning only $5 a day (8 hrs a day)? That is the typical salary of someone in Thailand, and I don't mean the Thai hi-so elites. How they survive on such miserable sum of money is baffling to a foreigner like me, who refuses to work for $5 an hour.

Oh, how I miss Thailand. Many people cannot fathom why I love that place so much ("..but it is a 3rd world country!", "so dirty", "they are farmers", "why don't you save up for Europe instead!")... oh how arrogant and irritating Singaporeans are. They dream of Europe or America, thinking places "over the other side", where the weather is cool and the people are hot and the buildings are beautiful and everything is so high class, are better than "these lowly 3rd world nations around Singapore".

How idiotic.