Friday, February 26, 2010

Akha costume. Didn't even know Akha people existed until I met Nan. Nowadays only old folks (like Nan's mom) will wear the costume. Unfortunately in Thailand, the Thai Thais look down upon village people, and nickname them 'Mountain People' as they are perceived to be old fashioned and behind times. This results in younger Akha people and those of other tribes to disassociate with their heritage and try to hide their identity. Thankfully, Nan does not think this way.

Ah, I have cut down considerably on my training. This week I only trained... 2 sessions on 2 separate days! Having a gf is not good ;)

We visited a National Park and though it was not as beautiful as say, Mount Intanon, the florals were still captivating. It was nice to be out of Pai for awhile.

It doesn't look like Thailand, does it?!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Monday, February 01, 2010

Things have been pretty chaotic these past few days.

Left Pai after my partner's mother found out about us (caught us sleeping together). Got a shoe thrown at me and her mom was cursing and swearing at me. Perhaps it is good that I cannot speak Northern Thai cos I didn't understand a word.

We went to Chiang Rai then to Mynmar, and while on our way there her mom called and said all is forgiven and we can be together if we want to, but she must come back and work because her sister is gonna sell her goods and keep the money for herself, instead of giving it to the parents to build a new home. Drama.

So we decided that since all is good, we'll go back to Pai. Except at the Mynmar border, the immigration officer told me my visa is only valid till Feb 7th.

Mother fucking shit.

So here I am in Chiang Mai, deciding where should I go to do my visa extension. 2 options : Vientiane, Laos or back to spore then come back again. But the spore option requires me to go to Bkk.