Thursday, July 16, 2009

Late post, have been down with flu and sore throat (which got me a 2 day MC!). Pictures from Ang's Bimbotic 21st birthday.

My favorite photo. I look like a rapper.

Ang's cake. We (I) thought of smashing them, but we (I) didn't wanna get killed by Ang so we (I) didn't.

Ang -the one in red. Happy birthday dear. You still owe me MY 21st birthday present and my cab fare of $21 from my place to your lovely event.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

So my bestestestestest friend has left for London on Saturday, for good (tentative for now.) All I can say is that no one will, and can, ever replace his place in my heart. We could have been twins, except that we look so different.

Missing you Ronnie boy.