Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So I spent the last week going for internship interviews at different ad agencies. This industry is an extremely difficult industry to get into, especially without experience (which usually means internships for grads).

One of them asked me why would I wanna become an intern since I already have a year of experience in the fashion industry. I thought I knew the answer, but was feeling the pressure of being interviewed and could barely string together a proper sentence (in my opinion!).

I finally got a call from one of the ad agencies (a big one.. well, all 3 are big ones haha), but I was pretty reluctant to give an answer immediately. Instead, I am keen on the 2nd agency I interviewed at. It is a better gig, from what I understand, and definitely felt like a nicer and better working environment.

Oh well, I will just hafta see how it goes.