Sunday, October 08, 2006
Sunday-Surfer Look Haha
Today.Sunday.Mom spoke to me yesterdayWell yesterday my mom finally broke her silence. After 13 days. But not to talk to me. Rather to tell me not to drink too much of her health product at one time because its expensive. Erm.. Okie? Haha. And not to on my laptop when I am out. Waste of electricity. But I am downloading shows wad.. :(Ellen Degeneres show So anyway I woke up this morning and I couldn't leave my room because I knew my mom was downstairs. So I patiently waited and watched Ellen Degeneres's The Ellen Show on Youtube. I know my mom's schedule so I know she'll leave home around 2.30pm to go and work. The Ellen Show was damn funny! She said this particular line, "Let's give our homes to the homeless, food to the foodless, and blood to the bloodless".. !! Haha she's damn funny. Her show is a totally cool comedy. I admire her, she is such an inspiration. Unfortunately I know of people who don't like her because she is a lesbian. Such shallow friends I have man.. One commented that she can't imagine kissing a girl.. Right in front of me. I don't think she knows I am JUST LIKE ELLEN. A 'FREAK'. HAHA. Pervasive, is what some people call us. I was reading this forum on the internet and many homophobic Singaporeans actually said unkind things about gays,lesbians and bi. Are we not humans too? One even commented that 'we should act properly if we want respect from people'. So are we acting like apes now? Many people look at us with a judgemental eye. I was at East Point bus stop just now and this couple, a butch and a femme (b.t.w it is not always a 'guy' and a 'gal' in a lesbian relationship, all you simple minded straight people haha), walked past the bus stop. This man, he kept STARING at them with a disgusted look. I almost went up to him and punch him. I am just an AVERAGE person ain't IOn my way home from Simei on bus 38, I was thinking about myself- what best describes me. Which I have to conclusion that I am just an average person. I have always been Average in everything I do- studies, CCA, my musical ability, my drawings and paintings, my looks (I think. I hope :S .. Pls don't tell me that I am ugly. And fat. I have worked really hard to make myself look better. Don't break my heart). I am never able to excel in anything, even though some things I put my heart into. Like.. painting. I love painting, but somehow I ain't gonna end up as the next Salvador Dali. I love playing the guitar, but I will never be the next Yngwie Malmsteen. I love playing sports, but somehow I am never good enough. So.. I am just an average person. I do hope someday I'll find something that I can really excel in. I don't just wanna 'sail' through my life- average and ordinary. Culture and Expression ProjectMy project is about finding something that represents Sporean and the culture. Then take photos and write a report on it. So I decided to do on parents wanting their children to excel in their studies. I mean, this is SO singaporean. So I went to East Point's Popular and snap pictures of parents looking through primary school assesment books. But I had to do it discreetly. Didn't want to be caught and mistaken as a paedophile taking pictures of little kids. Haha.
Saw DesireeAfter taking pictures, I went down to Amore to find Desiree. Haha think she was surprised to see me. She complained about the haze and how she almost 'died' while leading the aerobic routine at yesterday's Women Day Out.The HazeOh, talking about the haze, I actually thought the 'smoke' was due to the lantern festival. People burning candles. Then someone told me it was the Indonesian fire. I swear I was totally embarrased. AM I AN IDIOT?!?!
Pondering on bus 38