Today.Tuesday.Dreamt of Leisha Hailey?Ok I had this total weird dream last night. I dreamt I was with Leisha Hailey of the L Word(She plays Alice)! Like OMFG? Its so weird cos' she ain't my kind of type! And the dream was weird, something like either she or me (I forgot) were going to church camp and we were gonna miss each other?!?! Like.. WTF HUH?!?! Anyway I woke up sorta laughing.. I think I must be honestly going crazy. 
Leisha Hailey
Late for schoolI was an hour late for school today. Because I went to the gym. Haha. Actually I planned to go school late. SUCH BORING CLASS. Devin showed us a video on EVOLUTION. Like WTF has that got to do with culture & expression?? -DUH- And we had to submit a report on a survey on how living in HDB has impacted lives of Sporeans.. CRAP! Well anyway I've completed it already. In 10 mins. Haha. Sorta like bullshit thru' the whole crap. Paige's Merchandising Information System class was honestly damn tiring. I fell asleep right in front of her nose (thankfully well hidden behind my computer), and she only found out I was sleeping cos' she was wondering why the class was so quiet.. Damn in secondary school teachers also found out I was sleeping because the class was unusually quiet! Like hello, am I a radio?
More pics from the gathering!
Haha Estee just send me some more pics.