Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wednesday- Look for jobs/jan
Today.Wednesday.Job HuntToday I've started searching for a job. Need to work to pay for trainer and courses. NOT to buy stuff anymore. Haha. Sacrifices have to be made to pursue some dreams. Thank God I found out that Stege at Parkway sells transparent lip piercing stud. So now this problem is officially resolved. Prob: Its $18. For a plastic?!?! SchoolI DREAD school. What am I doing in this course?!?! Anyway, here's a shout-out to JAN. Thank you babe for helping me(letting me copy your work) in MIS. Without you, I ain't gonna pass/survive this subject. You are my SAVIOUR!
Jan- Resting during MIS class.
My 3rd meal of the day- 1 Banana, 2 Honeydew and 1 Papaya. I try to eat 4-5 meals a day. It helps to keep my metabolism high the whole day. Tip of the day: 'Grazing'- spreading out your meals by eating every 3 hours, helps you lose weight. Just remember though, eating more meals can be bad if you choose high-caloric food. It would then defeat the whole purpose of 'Grazing'.

Taken in the school toilet :D
Cycle Class
Went for 7.30pm spinning class.