Friday, November 03, 2006



Yesterday late nite work
Stupid Bradford, couldn't work his shift last nite then told the person that he'll ask me to take over. Like, hello, are we that close? And the best part is that he didn't even inform me. So at 4pm Cartel called and asked me whether Bradford informed me that I was suppose to work at 5pm. I was like, wtf I am in school now and he did not inform me la. But I did go to work in the end at 6pm because hell extra cash why not.

So I worked from 6p.m-12.30a.m. Swear to God, I was damn tired. Shift ended at 11.30pm, still had to tidy the place, arrange the chairs, fold napkins around the forks and spoons etc.

Morning Shift
Worked from 10.30a.m to 3pm today. I hate working at 10.30, because I am the only one opening the shop, and I hafta get everything ready in 1 hour. Which is damn rush cause I hafta arrange the chairs, menus, the bread station, the drinks, the sauces etc.. Lunch hour was crazy, kept clearing and clearing non stop. First time in my life I hafta clear the food with my hands. Gross and degrading. Definitely a humbling experience.

Working totally screws up my meals cause I can't eat lunch. I can only have my lunch after 3pm and that sucks. And I'll be starving by then cause my breakfast is at 9am.

Personal Training
Yesterday I had personal training. Liz totally 'killed' my legs and back. She made me do squats, lunges, angled leg presses, targetting my quads and glutes. For my back she made me do pull-downs and back extension on Roman Chair. I learned a new way to do my bicep curls, which I find it a more efficient method. I also learned Arnold Press for my shoulders and Triceps press down for my triceps.

After PT, I went to school feeling my body, especially my legs and arms, tired. Today, my legs, obliques and back are hurting. Good. Where there is pain, there is growth.