Saturday, November 18, 2006
Today.Saturday.School in the morningHad APEL 2 this morning. Its like CME and its freaking boring. Thank God today is the last lesson phew. Hair color..?Me and Main are going to do our hair after her Os. Still thinking what color I should color.. obviously not much to cut, gonna keep my fringe abit longer, then probably cut the back short to spike. My current hair sucks to the core (though Amanda says it looks good on me :S ), my face looks bloated. Main said I look OBESE?!?! Damn sad :'( My stomach inflates easily, how come not my face?!?! Although I don't look like a moon now, I feel like I still look like a orange or something..
SupplementsTaking Hydroxycut keeps me damn energetic for a few hours, but I will immediately crash and feel extremely tired once the drug wears out. Thats why halfway through my APEL 2 class I was feeling restless and tired cause I took a pill at 7am and by 10 plus the caffine in the drug wore out. My protein shake that I took at 10 plus did not make my hunger go away though.