Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday-Tips & free drink
Today.Sunday.Tips & Free drinkToday I got a $6.60 tips.. Actually not supposed to keep any tips cause' tips are supposed to be put into this tin can that is meant for charity. But fuck charity, I deserve tips for my job. Only idiots will return tips of that amount. So I pretended to wipe the table, then slowly place the tips into my apron. Ta-dah!One of the waiter, Ed, keyed in an order of Tiramisu Coffee drink twice. So in the end when I had to serve and realised no one ordered it, so I had to throw it away, I was like haha free drink yay! Of course, that drink is high in calories cause it is so full of sugar.. But oh man it was damn delicious. I only hope next time they will key in more extra orders. Haha. Best if I am the one who serve it too. -Ulterior Motive-