Sunday, December 24, 2006
Sat-sore legs, shopping
Today.Saturday.Sore legs!Woke up this morning, my legs were SCREAMING "pain!" from the training I had yesterday. Every step I took was like carrying weights on my legs- heavy and tiring. Worse still, I had cycling class at 11.30am. Today's cycling class was the worst I ever had. After 45 mins, I gave up. My legs were too painful. Also, I was worried that I might overuse the quads and hamstrings and not give them enough rest. When I went to stretch, omfg I swear, my legs were NUMB. Like pain until numb. As bodybuilders would say, NO PAIN, NO GAIN. NO GAIN, NO MUSCLE MASS.Biceps growthComparing picture taken on 24th of October to 24th of December. 2 months of biceps training.
AFTERNew outfitMy new Giodarno sweater and berms. Feel it makes me look smart. Something different from the usual black tee and jeans :)
Suntec with ShermainWent shopping with Shermain at Suntec at night. She wanted to buy jeans, but ended up buying christmas gifts. Ate at Carls Jr. She ate some HUGE burger, I ate salad. Ahaha.