Monday, January 29, 2007
monday-cramps 2
Today.Monday.Cramps Part IIWoke up and my cramps were still there. Fucking painful. The painkiller could only lessen the pain by a little. Damn.So I had to scrape my plan to go to the gym.Went to Parkway alone cos' I had a damn huge craving for softshell crab. Shermain didn't wanna go out cos' she was.. SLEEPING. AS. USUAL.Sat behind 4 ij girls. Damn one was smoking hot la! I was like.. 'i'm-in-heaven' mode. I think she caught me looking at her. Darn, I can't be a spy.. Pretty pretty gal, hope I see you ard soon at Parkway. Haha :D
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Today.Sunday.Just came back from work. Early. Because i wasn't feeling well. Right now my body is fucking paralysed. My neck and my lower back is stiff like hell, I can't even move them. Ouch..
Today.Saturday.Cheat day galoreWent to Siglap's Gelare for lunch. Decided to have some quiet 'Me' time and catch up on my reading. Had a waffle with tiramisu ice cream and some honey thingy ice cream. Fcukin d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s. Then I headed over to Eastside Cartel and had potato wedges and chicken popcorn. Almost puke cos' i was so damn full after Gelare.Ed told me about this blog that he happened to skim thru'. About a gal posting about her friend flirting with me at Cartel, which resulted in good service -_-" Went to check out that blog entry; checked my calendar, OMG i was REALLY working on that day. But somehow I don't remember anything.. WHATEVER.
Friday, January 26, 2007
friday-last day of e block
Today.Friday.Last day of school for this block!Yay it's my hols! 1 month hols, damn! :D
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Today.Wednesday.ProjsFucking tired for these past few days. Had to draw so many illustrations. Luckily today I finished drawing all. 2 more days to my holiday. I AM WAITING IN EXCITEMENT.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Sunday-Stay over
Today.Sunday.Out with FishyMet up with Fishy at Parkway Parade yesterday after not seeing her for 16 days!! We walked as fast as our legs could carry us to Sakae Sushi, being such typical kiasu singaporeans, must 'chop' the first place in the queue -_-" After Sakae we hung around Coffee Bean, then we went to Bugis to meet Fang and Shermain. The 4 of us decided to hang out at Bugis Street's Starbucks.. Which had DAMN LITTLE PEOPLE as compared to the Starbucks at Bugis Junction. And there were 2 hotties in front of our tables :D
Shermain stayed over my house. Bloody noisy pig, I wanna sleep 'early' also cannot, cause' she's not used to sleeping at 1am, so she played music, swirled lights from her hp onto my ceiling.. Should have suffocated her with my pillow and make pork chop with her meat..New set of weights and protein shakesYummy Chocolate and Chocolate Orange flavours :D
saturday- jy, shermain, fang
Today.Saturday.Funny TestsStar Wars Horoscope for Capricorn |
You have a ton of ambition and inexhaustible desire to reach your goals.You are very loyal, going to great lengths to help someone out.You are a very social unit, winning the hearts of many with your cute personality. Star wars character you are most like: R2D2 |
What Is Your Star Wars Horoscope?
How You Life Your Life |
 You tend to deprive yourself of things you crave, for your own good. You say whatever is on your mind. Other people's reactions don't phase you. You're open to new people and friends, which makes you a pretty popular person. Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down. |
Your Wrath Quotient: 74% |
 Everyone around you pretty much fears your wrath... which is probably what you want. But just remember, there's a very thin line between fear and hate! |
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Today.Thursday.Fever flu & cough for the past few days. It SUCKS cos I can't go to the gym. Working tonight from 6pm to 10pm. Zzz..Got my pay yesterday. Spent half of it on more protein supplements cos running low.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Tuesday-My BDAY!!!
Today.Tuesday.MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Birthday Celebration
Yesterday celebrated my bday with my poly mates at Suki Sushi at Marine Parade.
(Left-Front to Back)Clarissa, Loko, Estee, Jan
(Right-Front to Back)Juang, Joh, Manda

Haha retarded Loks :)
Sakae's chawanmushi is nicerBeef is not too bad :)
My birthday card from Loko and Amanda :D
Surprise celebration in class today
Jan planned a surprise celebration for me during class today. Love ya lots Janny Jan Jan! Bought my favourite American Carrot Cake :D Everyone sang bday song -touched-

Sunday, January 14, 2007
Today.Saturday.FeverDown with flu and sore throat after eating a few biscuits yesterday. I can't believe it man.. it was only 4 packs of wholemeal bix and I got sick! And the worst part: I had to worked at night. Sigh.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Today.Friday.Coming Out? No way.. Not yetLast night mom, sis and I were talking in my room. Suddenly very randomly, mom asked me whether I was a lesbian, whether I like girls, whether I ever like boys etc..Of course I wanted to shout, "duh can't you tell?". But I didn't wana break her heart. So I said no lah I'm straight I just like looking this way, and randomly thought of a boy from church that I could use as my shield. So i just gave her what she wanted to her:"No I am straight".And she started saying like there are times she will get worried, bt she always assure herself that her daughter is normal.Normal?You mean just because of who I love, I become abnormal?Like that day in Life! newspaper, she read about Maia Lee being bisexual. And mom made a big woohaa over it, like saying how disgusting, how this, how that.. I am not ready to tell her the truth.. yet. 'Mommy E' told me to be really sure of my orientation and the consequences before coming out to my mom. 'Mommy E' is right.Last night's incident really freaked me out.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Thursday-Bday wishlist
5 days to my birthday!
I'm turning 19 soon. Thats so freaking fast man. What I want for my birthday:
GNC vouchers, MYOPLEX LIGHT protein bars (sold at GNC), or HPLC 42g protein bars (sold at Nature's Farm) :)
Very practical gifts haha
Right, Amanda Panda?
Friday, January 05, 2007
Friday-End of first week of sch
Today.Friday.End of 1st week of schoolFirst week down! This block(1 block=1 month) I am having Fashion Purchasing Management. Which is learning about being a buyer for a store or fashion house. My lecturer is damn fun lah. Enjoying her lessons. Best thing, only ONE project for the whole subject. Woo hoo~
Saw this picture online. Haha. Its so funny, I had to share with all of you :)
I couldn't stop laughing in class when I saw this picture online. Haha!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Monday-Happy New Year! Welcome 2007!
Today.Monday.Countdown at... Church :SNo money to go countdown at Siloso Beach or Mambo Jambo, so had to go somewhere F.O.C. Thus----> Church lor. Got music (erm..), and friends. Wrong choice lah omfg, it was so BORING lah. Even my sister said so. No music during countdown, no impressive balloons like previous years, no impressive performances.. Like wtf, BUDGET??? After the service, went Lavender Court for supper with Aretha, Xinyi, Mandy, Geraldine, Shermain, Eunice.. The abacus seed at Lavender Court SUCKS BIG TIME!!! Don't EVER buy it :(Ate grilled salmon at 2am in the morning. Ate marshmellow during the boring long sermon. Ate 8 satay sticks and 4 small delicious lime cakes during break. I better go and run more at the gym later.
The 'choir'- Don't they look like the movie MARCH OF THE PENGUINS?!?!?!?!
Xinyi, Shermain, Me

A moment of craziness
Erm.. The thing Xinyi is holding is so 'salah'.. Should not be Merry Xmas lah!! It should be Happy New Year!
Me and Geraldine (and is Rebecca smiling for my cam at the back?? Haha)
Deborah, Me, Jing Yu
Unplanned but we had the same retarded pose!
New Year Resolution for 2007
These are my resolution for 2007:
1) Run more marathons
Bitten by the marathon bug. Gonna sign up for more marathons, probably the Great Eastern Women, New Balance Trial, Standard Chart etc..
2) Bodyfat percentage down to 20%
3) Pick up a new skill
4) Be an inspiration to anyone for anything positive (not the negative!!)
Happy new year and new ears!