Saturday, April 07, 2007
Today.Saturday.Went out with Mavis yesterday at Changi Airport. Needed a professional counsellor to talk to, and Mavis has always been there for me all these years, offering advice and support.We sidetracked to jobs and I told her I am considering joining the Army or maybe Police Force. She said females are at a disadvantaged because you will never get to command a major task or weapon.She suggested working as a Prison Warden at Changi Prison. Pay is good, free medical, iron rice bowl.I kinda freaked out cause I thought shit lah wad if a prisoner threaten to take my life, or if I forget to lock up the door..Too much prison break :DBut she said Singapore prison is very orderly and is not like what you'll see on TV so its safe (to a certain extent I believe.. haha).So I am honestly considering this job.Went to church at night with her. Met my 3 close friends whom I haven seen in a long time (xcept Aretha).
Was looking through travel ads. I am planning to go to Australia to train under Ray Kelly for a week, stay in a health and wellness camp for 5 days, or alternatively go to New Zealand Queenstown for extreme sports, after my diploma graduation next April. Anyone interested to join me? Never too early to plan :)
Also I have been looking around for a personal trainer or boxing/muay thai class. Need more cardio which I have been neglecting.. only doing cardio 2/3 times a week.. no wonder I'm gaining back some weight :(Got a couple of potential places that I can afford once my pay comes.. -Excited-