Thursday, April 05, 2007
thurs-first week over
Today.Thursday.First week of SIP Attachment is over!!!7 weeks more to go.These 2 days I finally have something to do. Chai, the Household department visual merchandiser (vmer), is in charge of me now.And finally I get to do stuff and learn stuff :)Like this..
Cool huh.. Me and Chai came up with the concept together.Today I saw how Chai and another guy went about fixing the fixture on the wall so another new knowledge.Then I saw how Chai came up with ideas to hang towels and curtains. I'll take some pics on Monday and post it online :)Found out from my other friends that some of them are doing quite useless stuff e.g giving out flyers. So even though I don't have alot of stuff to do, but at least when I do them I actually learn something.Which is pretty weird cos I am not a vmer in the first place but I am probably learning more than some of my friends who are majoring in VM.Anyway I have already decided to find a job at IKEA as a Visual Merchandiser. If there is no job opening at IKEA when I graduate, then I'll come back to John Little to work.Working at JL has alot of perks. Staff discount of 25% at JL, Robinsons, Marks and Spencer; Free medical treatment at Raffles Group Hospitals. Chai was saying it'll be easier for me to get a job under the Robinson Group company because I am doing my internship at JL.:D