Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Today.Tuesday.Why are there still so many people against homosexuality?Just read this report http://www.yawningbread.org/apdx_2003/imp-107.htm. And it irks me to keep reading about people treating us as a contagious disease that needs to be qurantined and hid from the 'NORMALS'.
Don't/Can't they just open their eyes and realise that we are just like everyone else; most of us were born gay, whilst some only discovered they were gay at later years.
Most of us didn't choose to be gay. Just like 'THE NORMALS' didn't choose to have 2 eyes and a nose.
It is an issue I just had to blog about because soon I'll be entering adulthood, and being gay in Singapore is a disadvantage because I have no laws to protect me.
So Darran, I was not joking that day at Coffee Bean when I said we all have to do something about our rights!