Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Day 3 of my holiday, and day 3 of my cutting season.

Cutting is a term used by bodybuilders to describe a period of time dedicated to losing weight and getting defination.

Did my Body Fat Percentage analysis today.

Current weight: 58.5kg. Last week's weight was 60.1kg.

So I have since lost 1.6kg.

However my body fat percentage is still high: 30.2%.

Have been clocking in 2 hours of cardio and 1 hr of weights every day.

My thermogenic supplement is making me lose all appetite. Past 2 days, I can't even think of food and NOT puke.

To many, it may sound like a blessing "Wah no appetite means I won't eat all the rubbish stuff!"

But the cons of having no appetite mean that I am neglecting my protein intake.

And I don't want my body to go into starvation mode, cos then i'll be losing muscles, not fats. (and I CANNOT lose my muscles.. they are my pride.)