Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Today.Wednesday.Went for a 45mins body massage at Roxy Square that only costs $32. Damn helluva good cos I have been having stiff shoulder and neck for the past week. No Pain really equates to No Gain, I guess.I think I am a massage addict now.Found out about this show called "Gay, Straight or Taken" that has been postd on YouTube. The show's lean premise is this: A woman arrives on a dating show where she chooses an ideal mate from three eligible bachelors, with the goal of winning a tropical getaway with her new man. But then the rules change. Once she has met the guys, she is told that one of the men is not single and has a girlfriend, while another is not single and has a boy friend. In order to win the romantic vacation getaway for herself and her date, the woman must choose the straight, unattached contender. If she picks one of the “taken” men, that man and his girlfriend or boyfriend will walk away with the prize.
Can you tell who is the gay one, who is the straight but taken one, and who is the straight and single one?The Answer:From left to right: Taken, Single, Gay.I love this show cos it exposes how people sterotype gays: The ladies always assume that if the man is feminine, a makeup artist, wears pink, has a good fashion sense, an interior designer, goes to a gym, a former male cheerleader in high school, or cannot play basketball, he is gay.And they always turn out to be wrong. I like what one contestant, who is gay but was chosen as the single straight man, said after the lady expressed her shock and disbelief,"We gays don't always prance around you know..":)