Sunday, June 24, 2007
Today.Sunday.I went to FCC today. Met this wonderful and amazing lady, Vid, who is in her 40s. She is gentle, funny and attractive, and she was so nice as to volunteer to accompany me at FCC. I joke about her age, and she makes fun of my youth.FCC is so.. different. Here, I feel welcomed for me, being ME. It is so different when I was in Bethel. It is like being welcomed into the church only if you saw off your arm and legs (which implies my sexual orrientation). She drove me to Jin's house at Somerset (next to the Istana!) and I forced her to stay for the cell group meeting. Meeting Jin, Jean, Peggy and Ant for the first time, yet it felt like I have known them for years. Hearing their life stories and coming out processes was like hearing my own life story.And with all these mature women (who made me feel like a kid haha), it is so interesting to hear what they hafta say, and how they analyze things. Unlike being in a cell with young secondary school kids with no intellectual things to say.It was a cell group, and it is the first time I really felt accepted for who I am in a cell. Bethel leaves a sour taste in my mouth.We all drove down to Newton Circle for dinner. I wished I had a car! Everyone was driving, and me being the little baby of the group, had to hitch a ride with Vid.Today is probably one of the better days I have had in months. Can't wait for the following week to come, and I'll get to see Vid in church. My sexy mama V! Haha this is nuts. School starts tomorrow. Vid said learning Jap ain't so bad, one can always use it in future. Haha she probably can't stand the whining of a school kid.