Friday, July 06, 2007


Today.. school was shitty.

Had this major moment of anger when someone said some real un-tactful words.

And I am counting down the number of days our group project will end- 7 days more.

I cannot comprehend nor fathom how some people can be so oblivious to the feelings of others. Being tactful is just part of everyone, is it not?

Anway, bitch fits over..

Now lets move on to..

Yay its the WEEKENDS!

Meeting Vid tomorrow afternoon at PPC (Pelangi Pride Centre), then going to FCC on Sunday morning, and meet the ladies in the afternoon. YAY!!~

Here is an upcoming event..

Isn't being gay and Christian incompatible?

Why are Christians so hung up about homosexuality?

What are the Church teachings on being gay?

What are the central church teachings?

Is it possible to be gay and Christian at the sametime?

Why am I gay?Seeing our sexuality as a gift, not a curse.

We have heard the many Christian perspectives on being gay, now it's time to hear a gay perspective on being Christian. Come join Miak & Jamie at Pelangi Pride Center -whether you are gay or straight, Christian or non-Christian - for a honest sharing from a few gayChristians.

Date - 14th July 2007Time - 4pmVenue - Pelangi Pride Centre @ Bianco

Cost per person: $6 (cost of 2 soft drinks and fingerfood)

To sign up, please email pelangipridecentre at yahoodot com with your name, contact number, the name/s ofyour guests.

How to get to Pelangi Pride Centre @ Bianco - 21Tanjong Pagar Road #04-01.Map -