Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Last night I came home and found a letter on the table. Inside it was a card that Amanda, Aretha and Xinyi sent to me, as a way of telling me that I'm still their friend.

It is funny how friends who have known each other for so many years, don't actually know each other well. I consider them my close friends, friends I grew up with in church.

In the card, there was an invitation to Church Of Our Saviour's homosexuality reperative programme.

It is so sad that many people still think that such reperative programmes work.

CHOICES, a reperative 'EX-GAY' programme, has caused depression and suicidal thoughts in many gay christians who have attended the programme. Instead of becoming what is deemed normal by the church leaders, gays only experienced an increasing sense of rejection by God and by the church when they realise that the programme has done nothing to 'change their sexual orientation'.

In reply, I wrote a 4 page letter to them, and I mailed it out this morning. I also attached a 26 pages article on the common 6 verses misquoted by christians against homosexuality.

The purpose of me doing what I did was not to try and convince them and change what they believe in. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Likewise I wouldn't like people forcing their ideas on me. But I did want to show them that there is alot more to homosexuality than what they know. They only think that homosexuality is wrong just because society and church says its wrong.. Blind followers? I don't know.

I miss my close friends, but what I regret is that they do not know who I am really, and they miss out on the many events in my life recently and many years back.