Sunday, July 15, 2007
Today.Saturday.Went to school in the morning for Apel 3, which my lecturer playfully termed it as 'Apple Tree'. Went to PPC with Shermain for a talk on 'A Gay's Perspective On Being A Christian' by Miak and Jamie. The talk was interesting, but I wished they had talked about the 6 verses commonly use by Christians against homosexuality. What I really agreed with was the sentiments shared by many, that straight christians are behaving just like the jews, towards the gentiles. We are deemed 'a lesser being' as compared to the 'righteous ones'. Homophobic christians and homosexual christians are behaving just the way how the churches of Corinth and Ephesus in 1 Corinthians were described by Paul- in conflict.Aren't we all believers in Christ? Aren't we all loved by God? Just because you say that God does not accept my sexuality does not equate him to be REALLY against it! Men may say one thing but God might just have the exact opposite sentiments. Christians are becoming more and more like Catholics. We listen to the pastor (like the pope) and his words are final. So if he says homosexuality is a sin, then we all agree and believe without a doubt that it is a sin.But are not the words of men fallable? The bible is a book of love, yet christians have made it a book of law. For Christ did not come to be with the righteous, but he came to be with those who have been outcast. And in modern society, not only the homosexuals are the outcast! In fact, christians have forgotten what they are comissioned to do: love one another, and help the poor and needy!But instead christianity have turn its focus onto judging people and what is right, what is wrong, and forgotten all about the true meaning of being a christian!
Anyway, Shermain and I headed down to Orchard to shop and eat. And we sat outside British India, looking at the people passing by us. We had our gaydar on, and everytime we see someone or people whom we thought might be gay. And our signal to each other was the sound of a siren. Gaydar.. siren.. get it?And there are MANY.