Sunday, July 15, 2007
Today.Sunday.I just came out to my mom the second time, but this time, my emotions are in control.Despite my re-affirming that she is not the cause of my homosexuality, and that it is a gift from God, not a curse, she told me she is still unable to stop blaming herself for "how I turn out". I don't blame her, neither do I seek to change her. Time will heal and allow understanding.But what is most interesting, is that my mom said that she has come to terms with the fact that I am gay, but she doesn't want me to lead a "homosexual lifestyle". She said that she is worried that my "new found friends" are of negative influence".When asked to further elaborate, she said that gays=promiscuous sex.I told her that there is no such thing as a "gay lifestyle". Yes, there are gays and lesbians who lead a promiscuous life, having multiple sex partners, but there are also morally upright gays and lesbians who believes in monogamy and don't sleep around.I told her that my friends are definitely NOT a negative influence. Vid=bad influence?! She's probably one of the more positive influencing friend I ever known!I told her that I do not want to lead a promiscuos life, and that I may be gay, but I'm a christian with values. And it doesn't mean that just because I am gay, it means that I hafta act a certain way.But what affected me the most is the fact that what my mom perceives the gay community is exactly what many straight people feel about us!The media and society does not potray us in a positive light. You read about gay teachers molesting or being involved in drugs or vices, and AIDS is on the rise in the gay community.. such news will not be published if the subject was of a straight man. Channel 5 also censores Ellen Degeneres shows, whenever she talks about the gay community. Things like how her partner, Portia, helped her when she was injured, was censored. Things like partners of many years were censored. Coming out topics were censored.So the general public don't get to see any positive news about the community- that relationship can last as long, or even longer, than straight relationships; that the GLBT community is in no way any different that the straight community, or perverse and sexual.