Monday, September 03, 2007
Today.Monday.Sometimes I wonder what lies ahead.. And I get nervous/anxious/petrified.What if things go all wrong.. A job as a slave labourer earning crap amount of dollars; ending up as a spinster (my greatest fear); end up working a desk-bound job; living in a 1-room flat for the rest of my life; having wrinkled skin with brown spots..Everything about the future is so B.L.E.A.KI am tired of school. Actually, I have already switched my mind off school for the longest period ever. What possesed me to take this course, I wonder. Or maybe I should put it this way- what possesed me to choose temasek design school?A polytechnic.An art school might have been a better choice for me.Will I end up a spinster living in a one room flat in some ulu old area like Chinatown?Anyway, HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY ANDREA FAM!!