Thursday, September 06, 2007
Today.Thursday.Today a school friend said something that made me smile inside. We were watching a video by Ellen Degeneres interviewing Hilary Clinton, and Hilary Clinton was talking about her stand on not supporting gay marriages but rather civil unions with the benefits of heterosexual couples.P.S for those who don't know much about politics and gay marriages, currently under civil unions, NO rights are given. Which goes to say that gay couples can not buy a house, cannot adopt or have their own children, cannot have combine medical insurance, cannot have all the rights heterosexual couples take for granted..Anyway, after watching the show on Youtube in the CAD lab, my friend, Kim, and I were talking about gay marriages and the law 377A. She surprised me by being FOR gay marriages and gays.A simple gesture like this from a straight person, full of acceptance and lack of judgement, means everything not only to me, but every gay person out there.Thank You Kim, just for the simple words of affirmation.And when it comes to Christianity..Gods love for us is never ending. It doesn't have any limitations. So many people say God condemns homosexuality, but I do not believe so. I believe God made us the way we are for a reason. God created us, he does not condemn us, he loves us always.So many people forget that Christianity is about love and faith in God, and spreading Gods love. Letting people know that they are not alone. Instead many people spread hate, and fear. So many people forget the teachings of Jesus. Jesus spoke of love, not of hate.In Romans 10:11-12, Paul rebukes the Romans for their treatment of the Gentiles.. Why? Because God makes no distinction between people - to God there is no Greek or Jew. God bestows riches on "all who call upon God." There is no exception in Paul's words - all who call upon God and believe are included in God's grace and mercy. All. No exceptions. No exclusions. No matter how much we want to exclude them. All are included in God's realm.Fast forward a few thousand years and we can see that the lesson of inclusion is completely lost on modern day Christians. Those who are "in" are always looking for ways to make others the ones who are "out." In our modern time, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender believers are the Gentiles. The mainstream churches are filled with Roman Christians who are certain that God has not, in any way, given his (and it's always "his") acceptance to "those" kinds of people. These are people who are not keeping the law. These are people who insist that God loves them, too, even though it's clear to these modern day Roman Christians that God could not possibly make room for "those people," so why should they?
If "those people" insist on coming into the church, then they've got to change. They've got to give up that filthy "lifestyle" and accept the law. They've got to keep kosher, believe all the doctrines and give assent to all the dogma. Until they do, they'll forever be kept out of the pew, and above all, out of church leadership. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have no idea who wrote this poem but I think its beautiful...DOES IT MATTER? My father asked if I am gay,I said, Does it Matter?He said, No not really,I said, YesHe said, Get out of my house.I guess it mattered.My friend asked if I am gay,I said, Does it matter?He said, no not really,I said, Yes,He said; dont call me your friend.I guess it mattered.My boss asked if I am gay,I said Does it matter?He said no not really,I said Yes,He said, Youre fired gay man.I guess it mattered.My lover asked if I love him,I said Does it matter?He said Yes.I told him, I love you,He said, Let me hold you in my arms.For the first time in my life something matters.My God asked me, Do you love yourself?I said Does it matter?God said, Yes.I said, How can I love myself? I am gayGod said, This is the way I have made you.Nothing again will ever matter.