I am currenlty blogging at Tampines Mart's McDonalds.
Just to update..
Have moved into my new house at Tampines. Finally a toilet of my own. Ok, it is not really MY toilet as it is also meant for visitors and for washing of clothes.
But whatever.
I hate it when strangers use my toilet. Can't they pee before coming over?
It is funny how much housework I have been doing for the past week. It is more than I have ever done for my entire life. For the first time, I hand washed my own clothes.
Obviously being retarded and spoilt, I had to ask my sister how to go about- the amount of soap (I almost typed soup) to use, the amount of water to use, how long to soak, after soaking then what's next..
I mopped for the first time in my life too.
All these things that my dad used to do, and I regret not doing.
The funny part is that i REALLY REALLY love doing household chores. Unlikely, but damn true. I may start a cleaning company in future HAHA.
Vacumming and mopping are damn therapeutic. Like, totally.
Oh, and before I moved in, I didn't have a place to stay for 3 damn days. So thanks to Jan and Esther for offering a roof over my head.
Especially Jan's mom, Aunty Janet. HERE IS A SHOUTOUT TO YOU!!! What a wonderful host.
And it was at Jan's place that I had my first dinner at the dining table, experiencing family warmth. Back at my own home, my family eats separately. So it was kinda cool to experience something else.
Jan's dad is a joker, really. Wine for everything. Wine in the goldfish bowl. Haha.
I guess this is all. I'll write more stuff when I remember things. Hopefully internet connection will be available tomorrow night. DAMN SINGNET LAH. LAH.