Today.Saturday.I *sob* accidentally cut my thumb with a penknife today when I was tearing down our booth.Ouch.A shout out to JAN. What a caring friend who took care of my poor thumb, and told me that I wouldn't die. Lol. Love you lots.Today is the last day of our exhibition.I am officially a graduate and am now damn free.And here are more pics my various friends took.

You can see me taking a video of that magical night. Video of that moment can be seen on youtube. I have uploaded it onto my facebook account too.

Esther, I'll miss you lots!
Haha, me 'bullying' Jan's boyfriend David aka An Pan Man.

My classic pose.

My favourite ladies and me the pimp.
Our boyband picture. Compare it with our boyband picture taken 2 years ago below. LOL.
A bunch of act cutes. 2 years later, we are still the same.