Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Oh my, my life couldn't be more boring and aimless.

As much as I love the fact that I can sleep in late, lazing around at home is seriously becoming a bore.

Haven't been doing much, just watching serial dramas and movies and the likes of BONES, LITTLE BRITAIN, ELLEN DEGENERES @ 5PM, and many other random shows.

Looks like I am not the only one. Andrea, Emily.. haha all sucked into a life of watching serials.

Like the L WORD.

It amuses me when hetrosexual females watch lesbian dramas, yet it is also a sign of how society is becoming more open and accepting.

I suppose one might be curious about an alternative lifestyle- what goes on in their lives, what do they do, how do they behave.. the list goes on.

Just as I am always curious why some girls hang on to their MCP, hot tempered and abusive boyfriends. Can't they find a better gentlemen?

Unfortunately, the L WORD isn't a true representative of the lesbian community here, or even in America. Not everyone is gorgeous and stick-thin and rich without having to work. My, I would love that..

Ok, Ele is gonna say I'm a lesbian activist again. So I better stop. Lol.