Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My mom's friend from the States, Jonathan, came to Singapore for a short visit. Mom's bos, Janet, decided to bring him out for a treat at East Coast Park.Jonathan grew up in Singapore (he claims to have carried me when I was a baby), studied in St Pats, left after O Levels. His mom is my mom's former boss, and a dear friend.
I saw this tub on the grass patch, which is actually an art piece entitled.... "TUB". Seriously?
Chin Wah Heng seafood restaurant. We had alot of prawns: drunken prawns... cereal prawns..
(From left) Mom, Chrys, Jonathan, Janet, AlexWhen we were leaving, we passed by a caucasian couple prolly in their mid 30s. The woman was beautiful beyond words. Blond, with her hair bun up, smoky eyes, slender bod, sultry looks... all to make me take an extra 20sec long glance at her.Oh God..