Was talking to a friend on MSN the other night, and he mentioned about hanging out with our group of mutual friends. Which got me thinking how teens are simply just wasting their lives away decked out in their nice clothes, hanging out at a cafe the whole day, doing nothing much except to SEE and BE SEEN, and to run a gossip mill.Or clubbing.Not that I have anything against these, I am guilty at times, but to do it everyday? That's wayyy stupid.And their conversations are sadly superficial. I can name you 4 topics they always talk about:1) Fashion2) Entertainment News3) People4) Where to go nextThat's why I call them my clubbing friends- a friendship based on a superficial activity that requires nothing more in-depth.No coincidence that I prefer to hang out with more mature friends, talking about more mature topics. On that note, I miss you Jing Yu. I'm so proud of you, going down to Sichuan for relief work. Kudos to you, my friend. Missing you and do take care.On a lighter note.. Ronald and I are on a joint effort to keep our hair longer. And thus I'm trying to keep it like my 2 current new crushes:
Michele Fluery's
Michelle Wolff's Or like my long-term crush, Ellen Degeneres'.