Wednesday, July 30, 2008
First day at Gap International Sourcing- I don't feel like working anymore. But I have a 1 month contract that if I break I would hafta pay 30days of my pay which is... $1000 plus. Madness I'm telling you.Reached office at 8.30, not a soul. People are always late ya know. Why can't they be early like me? Then I had to wait around, which I didn't mind though. Pay me to sit around, hell yeah..Weird culture though at the office- almost everyone dresses like shit. Like fucking casual as though they are about to go to the market. Tee, capri and slippers.. Hello we are working at Ngee Ann City, and for an apparel company for pete's sake.I was the only one in a shirt. But no way am I gonna dress down to fit in. 3 years of immersion in fashion knowledge ain't gonna go to waste. And I ain't gonna walk around town in sloppy clothes.
Checking and mailing of fabrics sample, from factories like Ghim Lee, Ocean Sky.. Ah I miss school lah.. So textile and merchandising. Haha. 2X2 Rib, French Terry..
Tried to save money by bringing my own lunch to work- pasta, brocolli and mushroom. Food in town are $$$$. Had lunch with Joanna, who is working as VM assistant at Robinsons now. Hey, POs sucks lah, I totally agree with you man, Taurus.
Really stupid sign in the toilet. From what I can decipher, it says: "Hello, my name is Loo the Bear like seriously??.I have something to share with you. The toilet needs your attention and urgent co-operation to keep it clean and dry.If you have noticed on previous occasions, there were tissue papers, toilet papers, sanitary pads and plastic wrappers thrown on the floor, or maybe you may have forgotten to dispose of it after use?"You can read the rest for yourselves.I will take more pictures of my new workplace.