I FINALLY got to catch this year's most talked about movie- The Dark Knight, at Kallang Leisure with Shermain, which was a great place to catch a movie because of the lack of crowd there.. well, kinda like a ghost town I would say.The movie (my first this year!) did not disappoint, though I did get lost at some point in the movie. Was it the fact that I was eating my subway sandwich and watching the movie at the same time, or was it due to a complicated plot?The cast were great. Heath Ledger as the joker was a great casting choice. His expressions were hilarious without even trying too hard. But a major complain.. why did they cast a rather old looking lady as Rachel? Rachel, in my mind, should be hot, not with drooping face. SHE NEEDS A FACELIFT!!!
And Shermain if you reading this, your 09 holidays is from Sat, 7 Mar 2009 – Sun, 19 Apr 2009.
So I need to know if you are serious about going to Hatyai with me. Then I can postpone my planned date.