Saturday, September 06, 2008
Thank God for the weekends.. Nothing beats waking up when you feel like it, and just lazing around in bed, thinking about nothing except what to have for lunch.Politics, anyone?With all the hype surrounding polictical situations around the world right now, namely the great A, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, it is hard not to get sucked into it.For the record, I am a supporter of the democratic party, but I would have prefered Hilary Clinton over Barack Obama. ON THE WAR ON IRAQI do however, suport Obama as an opponent of the Bush administration's policies on Iraq. Since the surge began, more than 1,000 American troops have died, and despite the improved security situation, the Iraqi government has not stepped forward to lead the Iraqi people and to reach the genuine political accommodation that was the stated purpose of the surge. The Iraq war has lasted longer than World War I, World War II, and the Civil War. More than 4,000 Americans have died. More than 60,000 have been injured and wounded. The United States may spend $2.7 trillion on this war and its aftermath, yet we are less safe around the globe and more divided at home in the US. Obama, if elected, would enact budget cuts in the range of tens of billions of dollars, stop investing in "unproven" missile defense systems and work towards eliminating all nuclear weapons. “Here is the truth: fighting a war without end will not force the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future. And fighting in a war without end will not make the American people safer.
So when I am Commander-in-Chief, I will set a new goal on day one: I will end this war. Not because politics compels it. Not because our troops cannot bear the burden- as heavy as it is. But because it is the right thing to do for our national security, and it will ultimately make us safer.”—Barack Obama, Clinton, Fayetteville, North Carolina, March 19, 2008McCain's goal, on the war in Iraq, would be that by 2013 most of the servicemen and women will have returned. The Iraq War will have been won, and Iraq will be a functioning democracy. McCain expects that by 2013, there will still be violence, but at a much-reduced level, and without American troops in a direct combat role.ON ECONOMYCurrently under the Bush Administration, tax cuts are given to wealthy Americans, and NOT to middle class Americans. Which makes no sense to me at all. Under Obama, he will provide tax cuts for working people (read: poor and mid class). McCain vowed to extend President Bush’s income tax cuts (for the wealthy) when they expire in two years, an idea Obama opposes. McCain also renewed his call for temporarily suspending the federal gas tax this summer, a proposal Obama has derided as a gimmick.Here are the facts:
95% of Americans would have a tax cut under Obama's proposals.
100 million Americans would have NO tax cut under McCain's proposals.
Most Americans would have a larger tax cut under Obama than under McCain.ON GAY RIGHTS:Being a democratic party representative, you can expect, under Obama's administration:-An expansion of Hate Crimes Statutes: In 2004, crimes against LGBT Americans constituted the third-highest category of hate crime reported and made up more than 15 percent of such crimes.
-Fight Workplace Discrimination: Barack Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity.
-Promote LGBT Rights: Barack Obama supported legislation in the Illinois State Senate to prevent discrimination based on sexual orientation in housing and public accommodations.
-Support Full Civil Unions and Federal Rights for LGBT Couples: Barack Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples equal legal rights and privileges as married couples. Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples in civil unions and other legally-recognized unions. These rights and benefits include the right to assist a loved one in times of emergency, the right to equal health insurance and other employment benefits, and property rights. (If only he dared to go a mile further by proposing marriage instead of a better-but-unequal full civil union.)
-Oppose a Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage: Barack Obama voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment in 2006 which would have defined marriage as between a man and a woman and prevented judicial extension of marriage-like rights to same-sex or other unmarried couples.
-Repeal Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell: Barack Obama agrees with former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Shalikashvili and other military experts that we need to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. The key test for military service should be patriotism, a sense of duty, and a willingness to serve. Discrimination should be prohibited. The U.S. government has spent millions of dollars replacing troops kicked out of the military because of their sexual orientation. Additionally, more than 300 language experts have been fired under this policy, including more than 50 who are fluent in Arabic.
-Expand Adoption Rights: Barack Obama believes that we must ensure adoption rights for all couples and individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. He thinks that a child will benefit from a healthy and loving home, whether the parents are gay or not.
McCain? Well, he is a bigot and the only mention of anything GLBT-related issue on his website is "John McCain believes the institution of marriage is a union between one man and one woman." His vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is also a known homophobe.
At the end of the day, whoever America chooses will have a direct and indirect impact on Singapore and globally, whether we like to admit it or even care about it or not. It is, afterall, the Big A, and a military and economic powerhouse you just can't ignore.
And the next president may impact Singapore's government ruling on GLBT matters here.