Monday, October 13, 2008

I am feeling troubled and just pre-occupied these days. Life couldn't be any worse I guess.

How to finance my overseas studies?

With the AUD so low now, I really wanna change as much as possible. But I only have a few K in cash to change and it is so frustrating cos I am looking at 10k and even more.

My dad is just plain useless, having even lesser money than me. Which just goes to show why I am better than him and he really is nothing.

The only person I can think of now who can loan me money is Uncle Kevin. He is kinda like my Godfather but not really. I just don't know how to approach him and discuss about money.

Like what mom said, when it comes to money, people will run away. I should know as I am those kind of people. Any friendship of mine will definitely not last should money be involved.

I am thinking of getting a second job, either night job or weekend job.

Can someone help?