I saw these today along Orchard Road. Cute.

So today, I went down to the Australian Uni open house just to find out more about UniSA and to see whether I am able to get in to the bach. i am interested in.
Anyway, the UniSA lady said that my results were good, but because my diploma isn't exactly related, I can only maybe get a 5 credit advance. Which is fine for me, because I actually don't see the use of an accelerated study. Like what the heck can you learn?
Submitted my application, all I need to do now is to figure out a way to finance the fucking expensive education and borrow as little as possible.
Mom is such a wuse, she keeps saying "oh where are you gonna live? how are you gonna find a place? blah blah blah".
Jeez, she should know I am fucking independent and these are just small issues to me.
If I do go to Adelaide to study, I will be buying a 1 way ticket, which means I won't be back for 3 years.
Would you guys miss me? Would I miss my life here?