I came home to find this on my table... Obama's campaign badge!!! WHOO!!I've been pestering my mom to ask Uncle Alex (an American citizen living in Spore) to go to the embassy and get it for me. Finally!Sorry Fish, don't be angry. Could only get one.
HALLOWEEN!This year's halloween is a much more tone down version as compared to last year's party at St James.This year I headed down to Yan's halloween party at Post Museum (near Mustafa). It was a laid-back event, people dressed in costumes just chilling out and watching thai ghost movie.This year I didn't feel excited about dressing up so what I did was I taped some scraped fabrics taken from the office to make my cape and mask. I wanted to be a superhero.
Ant is interviewing Yan (Mother Yan for a day... nun!), something related to a bdsm exhibition or whatever.