When will discrimination end?
Proposition 8 was passed in California, the same day Obama was elected president. I didn't know whether to smile or to cry.
For those who don't know what Prop 8 is all about, it is basically an ammendment to the constitution which would establish marriage as a union between a man and a woman only. California had, earlier this year, passed a law allowing same-sex couples to get married.
People may not understand how it affects me, and people like me, who are not US citizens. But it does, because whatever happens in the States will slowly translate overseas. It is sad, that even in the state of California, especially in the state of California, homophobia still exists and ignorance is not bliss.
In the weeks leading up to the poll, the Mormon church used 20 MILLION for ads. 20 MILLION - in a bid to 'save marriage'. They do not realise, of course, that the biggest threat to conventional marriage is not gay marriage but conventional adultery & conventional divorce. Churches and Christians went about preaching hatred and discrimination - what is wrong with you guys?!
Sad to say though, that should Singapore one day be faced with a similar situation, I have a nagging feeling that my so-called christian friends would be the first in line to picket outside my house and strip my rights to marry.
The only good news is that Barack Obama is the first President-elect to mention gay and lesbian rights in his acceptance speech. I just hope now that he has gotten what he wants, he would not forget the many gays and lesbians who voted for him, and he would bring the CHANGE.