Friday, February 27, 2009
Ok, so I've got a full time job at U__qlo as a Visual Merchandiser cum Sales Assistant (yes, in an economic crisis, they make the most out of every employee). Well, it beats sitting at home doing nothing, plus I need the cash to study.
Seems like everyone is either going back to school to get their degrees. I wish I have enough cash to send myself to Smith College in the States. Where is my sugar mama?!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
We all age so fast. Too fast, its scary. A few of us of the original SF Clan met up to gawk at each other and update on what's what and who's who. 
Monday, February 09, 2009
A faux Club Med getaway
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Went to sleep depressed, woke up feeling even more depressed. I miss Ingrid.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
I'm back from Phnom Penh and it was so fucking great I didn't wanna come back. Parties every night, alcohol like no tomorrow (about US$3), playing pool at the bar, hanging out at the guesthouse's balcony with everyone else, and best of all, smoke pot and get stoned.Yes you read it right (sorry mama). I was like this wide-eyed child staring at my friend in amazement as he rolled up the marijuana leaves. Everyone took a drawl and I had to try it.
My guesthouse with a gay-sounding name. Top Banana was the only place that all the travellers hung out at the balcony and went out, something that all of us agree happens nowhere else in other guesthouses.
Sovy stopped rolling up marijuana when he saw my cam, and I had to convince him to pose with it.
So how was smoking pot? Well, I didn't know whether it was the marijuana or the alcohol, but I was feeling so happy and confident the whole night and I could go into long conversations with people I just met.
Don't let his looks intimidate you. Lucian has a great big heart, volunteering at an orphanage, teaching them art and painting (he is a graphic designer in France). My pool buddy too.
That is not a real gun but it shoots out small plastic balls that hurts like shit.
At the Equinox bar, with 2 new friends that James introduced- Jane, from Melbourne, and Missy from California. Both are volunteers in an NGO.
Lilian, a 36 year old Dutch lady, who was really nice and we bitched about the relentless bastard tuk tuk drivers in Phnom Penh and the drug scene in Holland.
Lilian, Chrys and James. James is from sydney and is studying nursing at Notre Dam Uni.
This is Ingrid from Portland, Oregon. She is definitely a real cool chick, her tattoos are so awesome it makes me wanna get one too. And she is really funny and really nice to talk to. And she is a stunner, had this little crush on her. The best part of all was that she said she wished I didn't hafta leave the next morning and it was great to meet me. Aww man I swore if this girl is bi or gay I would so propose to her. Damn that I only got to meet her on the last night when we all went out.She is drinking Mekong Bowl, which is like rum and cola and lime and taste like vodka coke. I got so high on it (plus the marijuana).
We headed out to Daniela's house for a mini house party for pre-clubbing drinks and food. Daniela is a German lady living in Phnom Penh for a few months for internship (if I remembered correctly. I have been meeting too many people.) So many Germans were around, like 6 of them. 1 Italian, 1 American, 1 Khmer, 1 Singaporean, 1 French and 1 Aussie.
Chrys, Ingrid and James. We were the English-speaking group, and we had the Germans group and a spanish duo.
Oh what sweet memories :) Take me back!
And the two crazies.
Pool scene. Looks like I'm in the States or Europe not Phnom Penh.
My first German lesbian friend, Denise. We met the night before but I only found out she's gay on my last night when I asked her if she had a boyfriend in Germany (Munich) and she replied "girlfriend". Aww. Very sweet, mild and gentle, 27years old can you believe it.
This guy went nuts. He went skinny dipping in front of a gazillion people.
The traffic in Phnom Penh is crazy, dangerous and mind blowing. There are no fixed lanes nor any traffic rule. One can ride on either side, either direction, on the road, on the pavement, make a turn anytime you need to.. First day I was too scared shitless to cross the road, then I got used to it so now it is an art. You need the art of crossing PP's road to survive and escape unhurt.

"Petrol kiosk" all round the city. Old school.
And the rubbish all around is overwhelming.
Wat Phnom
At the shooting range, you pay US$40 for 40 rounds of M16. Crazy price, but unforgettable experience.

And the infamous Toul Sleng prison, where the attocities of the Khmer Rouge took place. Google it if you have no idea what I am writing about. Well worth knowing about.

Barb wires to prevent prisoners from commiting suicide by jumping down the building.
Classrooms converted to small prison cells. Prisoners are chained on one foot, and are allowed to bathe around 7 times every 2 months.
A prison cell for high ranking prisoners. Room is spacious, but no less torturous. Prisoners are chained and tortured on the bed.
The experience was just eye opening, especially when you see pictures of young boys and girls who became Khmer Rouge soldiers and commited acts of torture and murders. The torture pictures were gruesome and I did not have the stomach to look at it.
Now that I am back home, I am really missing all my friends at Top Banana, especially her. I really wish I am back there now instead of being stuck here with no goals no plans nothing.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
I'm at our beloved Changi Airport T1 making full use of the free internet service. I have been here since 12am and my flight is at 6.45am. I wasted my time away by having mash potato and a scone at Popeyes, a banana soymilk at Jolly Bean, and eventually decided that I was too tired and thus headed to the viewing gallery and joined 7 other homeless/god-knows-maybe-a-fugitive people camping out there. Occupied a little corner, my backpack as my pillow, and after 2 hours my back began to ache and thus ending my sleeping session.Ok. Tschau for now.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Guten Tag. I met the girls on Friday night for drinks at Timbre @ the art house and boy were the drinks expensive and it came with so little alcohol I felt like was drinking iced tea.
Leaving for Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Wednesday. So tomorrow I'll be at the airport from 11ish pm till check in at 4.45am. That is the price for being a cheapskate and not wanting to cab down.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Sigh, I hate Chinese New Year. An annual dreadful feeling. Yet without it I'll be so broke.
This year no stupid repeated questions were made about who I'm dating. Thank the Lord for that. But rather lots of questions and 'concern remarks' about my trip to Thailand. Jeez man, Thailand is not as dangerous as what people think. I think the States and Europe are much more dangerous than this supposed '3rd world, crime aplenty' country.
This year's economic crisis has not been felt yet (you can really gauge the economy by the ang bao you receive) as most in my nanny's family (the major contributor of $$ every year) is either a civil servant or some so-damn-high-rank employee in a so-damn-big firm. Plus its my 21st year. So I received more rather than lesser.
I was walking with my sister to my granny's place for more reunion dinner and we talked about my sexuality. I am definitely proud that as a sister, I have taught her since years ago to respect and not judge people based on their sexuality, especially with high religious morals like the 'Jews' in the Bible. And I'm glad that she is so accepting, not seeing anything wrong with my sexuality, and so open-minded at such a young age. Good for you, C.
I have been feeling so lost since I've been back. Not sure what my plans are, not sure if I should go back school or work. EVERYONE is asking me what my plans are, and it is just irritating me because I have no answer to that. And all I wanna do now is just to travel. And then my mom would say 'snap back into reality'.
And because I have no work nor school to fill up my time, I decided to start learning German. Maybe one day I can be a tourist guide. A German speaking tourist guide. Was contemplating between French or German, but decided on German as it is easier to learn it on your own. French has to be learnt in school.
So, guten Tag, and auf widersehen for now.