Saturday, March 21, 2009

Choosing a partner

Do we all have a list of attributes or things-he/she-must-have of our ideal partner? Is this list even useful?

One of my friends, M, got attached many months ago, though I only just found out a few days ago. Well, lets just put it this way, her current bf isn't exactly a swoon-worthy guy, and definitely not someone I had imagined my friend dating.

Which brings me to the question- do we all have unrealistic ideas about our ideal partner?

Fat or slim, short or tall, blond, brunette, red or raven black, rich or poor, smart or not that smart, humorous or serious, sporty or geekish, introvert or extrovert, top or bottom... and the list goes on.

I wonder, am I single because I am too picky? I have a certain look, a certain character that I desire; am I just being too picky and unrealistic? Is it wrong to hold on and wait for that someone special, and not just settle for someone less than ideal? Or is the world pressuring us to hook up or feel incomplete?