Saturday, March 14, 2009
Working in a Japanese company is pretty hardcore. I think the Japs are too anal about stuff. Even the most minute of things are enforced by the Japs. For example, we have 4 hours theory and practical on handing baskets to customers. Now, tell me, which other companies in Singapore provide such training?
For my own protection, I will not be using the company's name, because an announcement was made in class the other day that someone had leaked out 'confidential information' on the internet. Lest I accidentally type something they would consider confidential, I will just leave the name out so that the company cannot google "_____ + Singapore". _____ refers to the company's name.
My staff handbook, on everything a staff needs to know about the company.
Stack of class notes. To study for the exams. Yes, we do take exams to become sales assistants. The world is coming to an end. Stupid people have no purpose in life anymore.
He Jin, my colleague, during a particular training. Her glamour pose, hah.
Sneaky shot of Aishah
Tiny. No, that is just her nickname, not her real name, thankfully.