Saturday, August 15, 2009

It does not pay to be kind

I am not A.mot, I'm not a rich Indo. I am not Jo.liee, I don't have wealthy parents. I am not even Iv.anna, who has a husband who can pay for the things I want. And you should know that money is important to me. Yet, I still did what I never thought I would do: I loaned you money. All because you are my best friend.

$50, then another another $50, and another $50, and the most recent, $750. You promised to return, and I knew you needed this cash to fly back to Spore (I only just realised that no, you used this amount for your expenses in London. Imagine how I feel.). You said you will return by Nov 9, but now that you are back, you are changing it to "The army will only pay me by Nov... I'll try my best... But if circumstances...".

That was not what you said in your email. You said even if you had to borrow from your mom, you will return if to me by Nov 9.

The Chinese saying, "Jiang qian shang gan qing" (when you talk about money, you will only hurt the relationship), is so true. We can be best friends, but when it comes to money, it comes first.

I suggested that you find a job and all, and you replied by sms "k. since you said it like this. you don't sound like the chrys i know. you make it sound like i'm gonna run away or smthing. geee."

I am so mad now I don't even wanna reply your sms. When you were stuck in London and needed cash, who loaned it to you? Your mom? Your family? Iv.anna? No, it was me. Yet you are making it sound like I OWE YOU a favor now.

Get the facts right, ok my boy? YOU OWE ME, not the other way round. If I wanna be mean, I can insist you pay me back now.

And it is not like you have the best of job track record. If you were more like me in choosing jobs and being less picky about it, then I need not worry. But you have so many expectations and demands and a hi-so attitude.

Chan mai kao jai, gor mai yaak kao jai.

In future, even if it is 50cents, I AM NOT GONNA LEND TO ANYONE, ANYMORE.