Tuesday, September 22, 2009

49 days to Thailand, woot woot!

My acne pills are causing my skin, esp on my face, to be extremely itchy. Kinda like eczema. Didn't know I wasn't suppose to use facial products with alcohol during this period- my face BURNT after I applied a deep cleanser which contains so much alcohol I can SMELL the alcohol. So one can only imagine the pain I was experiencing the entire day.

Well, many of my friends have embarked on a journey overseas. While many are studying for a degree, I will be going to Thailand to learn Muay Thai and maybe even fight.

Sometimes I wonder whether I just simply lack the ambition, the vision, or am I just plain crazy.

Gosh, I wish that Zaibon would just reply my email. I need her to fill in forms in order for me to apply to Smith.. I need to apply soon!