Got my paycheck today. All $643.50 is going into my "One month in Thailand 2009" saving piggybank.Outside Fu Lu Shou's OG, my mom and I saw this pair of cute monkey slippers. $2.50 for monkeys.. why not. You don't even need to feed it bananas.Anyway my Spongebob home slippers were starting to break into mini sponges.
I was bored at home on Sunday, and decided to do this for my lovely twin.It is on the internet because you canceled our meeting!
Haha just joking lah.
I am suffering right now because I sprained my lower back... whilst doing what, I have no idea.
Prolly the gym.
Anyway I am just dying right now and I have to swear off the gym for a while as I rest and get better.
The pain is unbearable.

Soon it'll be gay pride in many countries around the world. Unfortunately, Spore's own gay month in August isn't as exciting.
Yesterday I was on the train..I fell asleep and when I woke up...I turned my head to the right..And saw..
And I had a great shock of my life..
Idiotic advertisements!
Was talking to a friend on MSN the other night, and he mentioned about hanging out with our group of mutual friends. Which got me thinking how teens are simply just wasting their lives away decked out in their nice clothes, hanging out at a cafe the whole day, doing nothing much except to SEE and BE SEEN, and to run a gossip mill.Or clubbing.Not that I have anything against these, I am guilty at times, but to do it everyday? That's wayyy stupid.And their conversations are sadly superficial. I can name you 4 topics they always talk about:1) Fashion2) Entertainment News3) People4) Where to go nextThat's why I call them my clubbing friends- a friendship based on a superficial activity that requires nothing more in-depth.No coincidence that I prefer to hang out with more mature friends, talking about more mature topics. On that note, I miss you Jing Yu. I'm so proud of you, going down to Sichuan for relief work. Kudos to you, my friend. Missing you and do take care.On a lighter note.. Ronald and I are on a joint effort to keep our hair longer. And thus I'm trying to keep it like my 2 current new crushes:
Michele Fluery's
Michelle Wolff's Or like my long-term crush, Ellen Degeneres'.
I'm back from Bali with tons of pictures this time round! Overall, I would say that I prefer Bangkok over Bali anytime. And I am sick of eating American food for now. Give me chinese rice and dishes any day!Found out from my masseur that the average monthly income of the Balinese is only 600,000RP, which is only SGD$90!! What a vast difference from lucky Singaporeans. Appreciate what you have, kids...Bali is full of people touting and promoting their services at every tourist who walks past them. This being the low tourist season, it has made things even worse, for them and for us.I stayed in SANUR "district", which is a quiet alternative to the popular KUTA. So here you get retirees caucasians.. Zzzz. I was expecting hot babes, not old ladies!

Detention room at Ngurah Rai airport for naughty passengers who misbehaves. Punishment: 2 hour silent reflection. LOL.
Inefficient immigration officers= long queues
Welcome to my hotel, Segara Village. It is a fucking huge place, kinda like an actual village. 
The temple in the "village".
The reception and the children's pool

On the streets of Sanur. Jalan Tambligan is the only main road in Sanur. Here you will hear people shouting "Taxi?", "Kuta? Waterbom?", "Transport?", "Massage?" every 5 steps you take. It was rather daunting at first.

Bloody Mary's. I didn't know it contained tomato, and had to pinch my nose and force it down. Lesson of the day: Stick to a drink you know.
Bonsai Cafe at Sindhu Beach, Sanur. Great for their lumpia (Springroll)!

Huge serving at Bonsai Cafe- Fajitas (mexican food)
Lovely Lumpia!
Fishermen in Sanur waters.
Sanur beach
A daily game of table tennis in the hotel.

Natura- Jan's FYP mock shop name! In Kuta
Day 3- We went to Kuta.
The famous Kuta Beach- land of really hot caucasian ladies

Surfer dudes

What a cute kid.. doing handstands on the beach. With her gorgeous mom. Aww..
Near Kuta Square
Everywhere in Bali, you will find these irritating people trying to promote their various services.
Massages in Sanur at a low price!

The sky gets dark at 6.30pm. Off to dinner. Last night in Bali!

BENNOS is the BEST restaurant on Sindhu Beach Sanur, i must say.. Fucking delicious and cheap food!
Look at her balancing stuff on her head wow..
Love the bright colors of BENNOS
And I love the PINA COLADA!!