Life can take such an unexpected turn.Ronald just got "kicked out" of Singapore. After giving up his PR status, he has to renew his visitor pass to remain on this island. But this time, the ICA decided not to renew his latest pass. Thus he has to get out of Singapore for at least 3 months.For those who can't understand why I am saddened by a situation not related to me, Ronald is not just another friend. He is the first and only guy friend that I am really close to. We are so alike in so many ways, thus we click really well. Our sexuality matches, our design vision matches, our ideas always almost match, even our aspiration and ambition are so similar. I can talk to him about even the most embarrasing topics like sex, porn, crushes, dark secrets... I mean how many of you can actually say that you have a friend to talk about all these topics? Especially when we are Asians and sex is a taboo subject to alk about.When he told me on Saturday, I swear my heart started to cry. I have friends who have left Singapore for many reasons, but never have I been so affected. Although its only 3 months (1 month or less if his appeal works), it is just a start of more "coming in" and then "flying out" for him. Only 21, but he has more problems than most of us. And MOE might demand he pay his poly bond of 35k. Now this is serious.He just left at 7+pm to Bangkok. I will miss you Ronnie. Thank God for MSN Messenger seriously.
On a lighter news..
They got married on Saturday, finally.

And I am surprised that 98.7fm actually talked about it (on the Shan and Ros show 4-8pm)! I mean, isn't it a taboo topic in Singapore, especially on a media front? Shan and Ros were celebrating and cheering for Ellen and Portia.
98.7fm has been, recently, more gay-friendly. It started with Shan Wee, who grew up in Ireland, commenting that how backwards Singapore is with the banning of Katy Perry's song I KISSED A GIRL. This morning prior to the Ellen announcement, Dan, Young and Ven mentioned Kanye West's stand against homophobia! And all 3 were very supportive of it. Which makes me feel a sudden sense of acceptance and acknowledgement. I just wonder what those homophobic listeners and fundimentalist christians must be thinking if they are 98.7fm listeners.