Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Choosing a partnerDo we all have a list of attributes or things-he/she-must-have of our ideal partner? Is this list even useful?
One of my friends, M, got attached many months ago, though I only just found out a few days ago. Well, lets just put it this way, her current bf isn't exactly a swoon-worthy guy, and definitely not someone I had imagined my friend dating.
Which brings me to the question- do we all have unrealistic ideas about our ideal partner?
Fat or slim, short or tall, blond, brunette, red or raven black, rich or poor, smart or not that smart, humorous or serious, sporty or geekish, introvert or extrovert, top or bottom... and the list goes on.
I wonder, am I single because I am too picky? I have a certain look, a certain character that I desire; am I just being too picky and unrealistic? Is it wrong to hold on and wait for that someone special, and not just settle for someone less than ideal? Or is the world pressuring us to hook up or feel incomplete?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Fucking criminals.
My granny received a phone call today from an anonymous caller pretending to be my uncle. "He" pretended to be in pain and the phone was passed to another man pretending to be a "loan shark" and was asking for $20,000.
Of course my granny was worried and believed that guy, and my aunt called my mom and basically the news spread to my uncle who called and assured he was alright and that was a cheating case.
Some people deserve to burn in hell for lying to an old granny.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Working in a Japanese company is pretty hardcore. I think the Japs are too anal about stuff. Even the most minute of things are enforced by the Japs. For example, we have 4 hours theory and practical on handing baskets to customers. Now, tell me, which other companies in Singapore provide such training?
For my own protection, I will not be using the company's name, because an announcement was made in class the other day that someone had leaked out 'confidential information' on the internet. Lest I accidentally type something they would consider confidential, I will just leave the name out so that the company cannot google "_____ + Singapore". _____ refers to the company's name.
My staff handbook, on everything a staff needs to know about the company.
Stack of class notes. To study for the exams. Yes, we do take exams to become sales assistants. The world is coming to an end. Stupid people have no purpose in life anymore.
He Jin, my colleague, during a particular training. Her glamour pose, hah.
Sneaky shot of Aishah
Tiny. No, that is just her nickname, not her real name, thankfully.
Monday, March 09, 2009
I am feeling kinda stupid recently. Because now I can't enter into the Bach degree I want and would hafta first take the foundation year and achieve a distinction before I can be considered a place in that degree. Considered - not even guaranteed.
I wonder if I had just stuck to marketing, whether my life would have been easier. I don't doubt for a second that I cannot achieve the necessary results required, I believe as long as I put my heart and soul into it I can definitely achieve what I want.
But the fear remains that I'll lose interest or only to find out later on that I don't really wanna study this course.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009