Today's presentation for George's class sucked. Said my presentation was quite messy and rather incoherent.
The price to pay for skipping consultation.
Went out with Estee, Loko and Manda after class. Starbucks.
Met my Cartel colleagues- Rave, Hui Shan, Mavis the Lizard :D, Christina, and the dishwasher who likes to disturb my hair and calls me 'Ayam'- outside Cartel.
The 4 of us decided that we should get the rest of the group and have a potluck and sleepover at my house on the following Thurs.
And have a chalet after our SIP attachment at Sentosa, which would be our one month holiday in June.
Theme: Cross-dressing.
So everyone would come dressed as a man.
Haha isn't that how I am dressed everyday?
Well anyway, Estee is gonna dress up as a Hip Hop homie, Loko as a nerd, and Manda as a Casanova with facial hair.. Eeeww.
Gonna dress up as a gay. Think Austin Scarlett of Project Runway fame.

And the next day we are all gonna dress up as females :S
I'm gonna be..
Ellen DeGeneres :D
Funny how I always end up 'Queer'.
Tomorrow I have an interview with ModernAge Design and Communication at 4.50pm, so wish me luck. If I don't get this job, I'll hafta settle for Saha Marketing or Robinsons.
So God of SIPs, please show kindness towards me.
And Estee, you said you'll pray for me. So you better.
If I get this job, I'll be able to go pubbing with Estee after work because the company is at Amoy Street, which is near Club Street! Woohoo!
But let's pass the interview first, Chris..