I saw these today along Orchard Road. Cute.

So today, I went down to the Australian Uni open house just to find out more about UniSA and to see whether I am able to get in to the bach. i am interested in.
Anyway, the UniSA lady said that my results were good, but because my diploma isn't exactly related, I can only maybe get a 5 credit advance. Which is fine for me, because I actually don't see the use of an accelerated study. Like what the heck can you learn?
Submitted my application, all I need to do now is to figure out a way to finance the fucking expensive education and borrow as little as possible.
Mom is such a wuse, she keeps saying "oh where are you gonna live? how are you gonna find a place? blah blah blah".
Jeez, she should know I am fucking independent and these are just small issues to me.
If I do go to Adelaide to study, I will be buying a 1 way ticket, which means I won't be back for 3 years.
Would you guys miss me? Would I miss my life here?
I think I'm getting too old. Last night was Stefan's birthday at Butter Factory, and I just felt bored and tired. Seems like the clubbing scene is getting tiring after awhile, or as it the fact that I didn't really know the people there except Ronnie boy?
I guess its only fun when you are out with a group of close friends. Don't really enjoy hanging out with strangers.
AUDSDG is now 0.97aud is to 1sdg. Keep dropping baby!Should I go to Hatyai alone? Twin has been banned from going, for now (see, thats the problem of still being under parent's supervision.. Thank God I'm gonna be 21 soon!)In a bid to help my mom save money, I have been sleeping without aircon. It was a tough decision. I have been spoilt my whole life. But I guess that money could be used for something else (read: holiday, or my studies, dammit).

I just finished watching the debate between the 2 vice presidency candidates, Sarah Palin and Joe Biden.
I was amazingly captivated by Joe Biden and the way he expressed his views. They were firm, convincing and logical.
Palin, on the other hand, fared much better than what I had expected, but her speech was just mainly focused on 4 things: Getting corruption off Wall Street, soccer moms, Alaska references, and McCain as a maverick.
Everything she said ultimately led back to 1 of those 4 topics. When asked her achilles heel, she talked about those topics. Biden, on the other hand, shows his years of experience in the senate with his answers.
He had solutions and steps, not beating around a bush like Palin.
McCain is no maverick, he left his first wife after she became disabled and married a hotter woman. How can America vote for a man with this values? A prisoner-of-war does not equate to a war hero nor a maverick.