I FINALLY got to catch this year's most talked about movie- The Dark Knight, at Kallang Leisure with Shermain, which was a great place to catch a movie because of the lack of crowd there.. well, kinda like a ghost town I would say.The movie (my first this year!) did not disappoint, though I did get lost at some point in the movie. Was it the fact that I was eating my subway sandwich and watching the movie at the same time, or was it due to a complicated plot?The cast were great. Heath Ledger as the joker was a great casting choice. His expressions were hilarious without even trying too hard. But a major complain.. why did they cast a rather old looking lady as Rachel? Rachel, in my mind, should be hot, not with drooping face. SHE NEEDS A FACELIFT!!!
And Shermain if you reading this, your 09 holidays is from Sat, 7 Mar 2009 – Sun, 19 Apr 2009.
So I need to know if you are serious about going to Hatyai with me. Then I can postpone my planned date.
Got these pictures from Phil. This are pictures of VC Apartment in Hatyai, which I am considering renting a room here for a month.
4500 baht a month, which would come up to around S$200 plus! Cheap! With fridge, hot water, security.. maybe internet (waiting for Phil to check out for me).
The orange building

Got these pictures off the net. Ellen and Portia celebrating their "pre-honeymoon" in Rome, Italy on the 4th of July 2008. Heard that they will be getting married in Palm Springs, California. 
The engagement ring
On my way home from church today, on bus 518, i witnessed an accident near my house. Well, I didn't actually see the lady get knocked down by the bus, but I saw her lying on the road. I was shocked out of my wits. Life is so precious, one minute you are alive, the next you are not. I hope she didn't pass away. Are Singaporeans too pampered? Are we oblivious of how lucky we are to be in a country that even the poor have some form of support from the government?I am thinking of a child sponsorship plan which will cost me US$32 per month, till the child turns 18. Of course with my current financial situation (or should I say the lack of it) makes things difficult. But once I get a job it will open up a door for me.If every christian bothers to do act on what they say every sunday, this world would be a better place. If you would like to sponsor a child, check out http://www.compassion.com/. It is a christian child sponsership programme, just like World Vision. Spread the word around too.
I am only one, but I am one. I can not do everything, but I can do something. I must not fail to do the something that I can do. - Helen Keller
When does one realise the change of tides in life? What triggers it?Just yesterday, one of my dearest and loved friend, Aretha, left for Down Under for her studies. It was at the airport that I realised how much have changed. The 4 of us grew up together, and now each of us are leading our own lives, pursuing our different dreams.And what am I doing now? I began to look into my life, and I have a sense of jealousy and regrets and other loads of emotions running through me. Aretha's chance to study abroad made me pissed about my situation, wishing I could have what she and many other friends are having. I also began to question my future. Right now beauty is all that is on my mind. My meagre salary is all being saved up for it. Am I too sucked into a superficial world where whats inside doesn't matter as much as the outside? But can I pretend to ignore it?I'm sorry if you are reading this and wondering what is going on. Unfortunately, I can't divuldge it here, though only a few friends have an idea. It will remain a secret for I cannot stand yet another judgemental opinion on me.Life is precious, but when things go wrong, will we give it up? A friend of mine suspect he has Aids, though he can't test it yet. He gravely told me that if it turns out to be positive, he will end his life. Suddenly my life is so much more complicated than what I had imagine it to be many years ago. Aids was never part of my life equation, so when I have to face it through the eyes of a dear friend, I am sadden by how real the situation is. I pray to God that it is negative.
Without trying to sound cheesy, I miss you Aretha, and I am gonna miss you till you come back (thank god for school breaks in Dec!).
I love you lots babe, you really are my joke book.