Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesday-Start work at cartel
Today.Tuesday.First day of workToday is my first day of work at Cafe Cartel at Tampines Mall. Worked from 10.30am-3pm. The people there are nice, just abit tough to understand them because they all speak in Chinese. Instructions in Chinese are hell man.. But I actually enjoyed my work- serving, cleaning etc.. I realised how much I actually enjoyed working in service line- F&B or sales. And the best thing about working at Cartel is that they don't care about the number of piercings I have, although I did take off the ball bearing of my lip piercing because I did not wanna get into trouble on my first day of work.Found out Bradford Koh, my secondary classmate, also just joined Cartel! Haha ain't it a small world :) So I smsed him and he called back and started talking. Then he told me he kena scolding twice yesterday, which was his first day of work, because he 1) sat down during work 2) drank a glass of coke indiscreetly where customers can see him. He told me it was his first job. No wonder lah, JC student no experience in working can only study. Its common sense that when you are in the service line obviously you can't sit and relax while working. I just felt like laughing when he told me he kena scolding for that and could not fathom why. Luckily with my past work experiences, I did not kena scolding because I know how to behave myself and do whats expected without the manager asking.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Sunday-bloody mom
Today.Sunday.SnacksI was so bored at home I just craved food. So i cycled to the nearest Econ minimart and bought 3 packs of different kinds of biscuits. Total cal-above 1000cal :S Fuck this man..I can't take it anymoreI really can't stand her anymore. Its such a torture and I dread seeing or talking to her. She really pissed me off just now. Getting all fiesty just because I ate 5 eggs that she bought and about my daily allowance. Like what the fuck really. Other parents buy their kids stuff- clothes etc, and aren't stingy and all fucked up about their kids eating food that they buy. This pisses me off because I fucking work and save to buy EVERYTHING that I own in my life-my clothes, my com, my bags, my shoes, my haircuts, every fucking thing. I never even ask you for anything since YOUNG. She NEVER bought me toys when I was young, she haven bought me clothing since secondary school. Do you know how jealous I am of my friends and how generous their parents are to them? Shermain gets cash occasionally from her parents. Me? Fuck it. If I ever get $10 its like a treat. Aretha gets her haircut for $48 paid by her mom. Jan's mom picks her up from school. My fucking dad won't even go to the bus stop to fetch me, what more fetch me from school. Just because she fucking eats air for her meals doesn't mean I have to eat lousy and cheap food too. "I only spend $2.50 for lunch and $3 for dinner." So?? Thats you. You can survive on that amount, I CAN'T for fuck's sake. I hate you. I fucking hate you. I can't even be bothered about your feelings' anymore. And I know you can't stand the sight of me either. I can't wait to move out. I swear to God I'll fucking kill myself if I don't move out soon. One day.. One day the pressure will break me and I'll leave. I don't need, and have never needed, you nor anyone else in my life. Money-is that all you care about?
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Saturday-got cartel job
Today.Saturday.Spinning ClassWent for Ram's spinning class in the morning. T-I-R-E-D.Got a call from CartelCafe Cartel called, and I GOT THE JOB! Start next week, the manager will call me tmr to confirm with me the schedule. Haha, hey Shin, Cafe Carcrk sia.. after your Os you also come Carcrk and work :)Skipped the Banquet JobAfter Cartel called, I decided not to work the Banquet job later. 1)Was too freaked out by the serving of dishes. 2)Its a fucking tiring job. 3)Gonna work at Cartel soon. Hence I sms the lady an told her I had school. But at 5p.m, someone tried to call me. I didn't recognise that number, and freaked out wondering whether its Suntec people, so I did not answer the call. Cut HairWent to Bugis's Fame Salon to cut my hair. Haven gone to Nicky to cut my hair for a while already, because I have been going to a salon opposite my school. Convenient and cheap. Except that it sucks. Well, pay more for better quality I guess. So I had my hair cut for $30, but its worth it, cause I can always trust Nicky with my hair and know that she won't 'destroy' it.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday-Banquet Job
Today.Thursday.Banquet JobWorked at Suntec Convention hall as Banquet waitress from 5-11 pm. But the real job only started at 8 cause that is when the dinner starts. So from 5-8 is basically just briefing. So that is quite slack (happily earning that 3 hours of pay- no work!). Its $5.50 an hour so its quite an OKAY pay. Earned $33, which will be set aside for my Personal Training. So no shopping this time. The sucky thing is that I hafta wear a SKIRT. Like.. S-K-I-R-T. I would not have worked if I'm not in such a despo situation for cash. Its such a betrayal of principles. And I hafta take off ALL my 8 piercings- ears and lip. Gosh just taking and putting it on is such an effort. From 8-11pm was really tiring. When the dinner started, had to carry the food through the main door, and walk in a straight line kinda stuff, ya noe wad I mean? Yeah.. I was so afraid I was going to drop the food, then I'll be in deep shit. Throughout the 8 course meals, had to clear plates, pour drinks, serve food.. Damn fucking tiring. And the stuff were EFFING HEAVY NO JOKE. Good workout. At least the aunty who was supposed to be my mentor was really nice to me. Cause Daryl, who recommended me this job, said that the people can be quite nasty. The aunty also said so. Well, I am in luck today. Many others also helped me and encouraged me. Felt real good. An advantage was that I could speak hokkien. Thats why all the aunties warmed up to me. Cause before I started speaking to them in Hokkien, they were kinda cold towards me. The captains were nasty though. So fuckers lah, so rude to the aunties. Like totally NO MANNERS AT ALL.Working on Sat again. And BTW if anyone wants to work Banquet (5-11pm) just to earn extra cash, just tag me. Cause they need people on some days when they have events.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Wednesday-Job interviews
Today.Wednesday.Job HuntWent to Ajisen at Parkway to apply for job. But I felt so weird there because EVERYONE spoke chinese and looked so cheena I didn't think I would survived working there. Felt like running out. Luckily the manager told me that my school schedule is an obstruction, hence I won't get the job. THANK GOD. Haha.Headed down to Cafe Cartel at Tampines Mall. Clarissa told me that they pay $5 an hour and their timing is quite flexible (she used to work there), hence I decided to try it out. Haha when I got there, they had this paper pasted outside that said that they were "looking for crew". Divine Intervention? Haha.Anyway I think I MIGHT get the job there cause they need people urgently for morning shift and I CAN work morning shift. So advantage #1. Haha. The manager is this bung (even the counter staff is a bung. What is this, Cartel Crk?) called Jake Zheng. I purposely wore plastic ear sticks for my earholes and plastic stud for my lip, but WTH Jake Zheng has ALOT of piercings, including lip too. Except she don't put the ball bearing. She said she'll call me in 1 weeks time. If after 1 week there is no call, then I can look for another job. God-of Jobs, please give me this job!Spinning ClassThe rain was so heavy at 6.30pm I kinda felt quite drained to go for spinning class. But well I'm a gym addict so I need my dose of exercise today. The replacement instructor, Shirlyn, commented that she likes my arms. Well Shirlyn, my cutting isn't there yet. Just more cut than yours haha! The sheer joy of having a nicer cut than others. Its not about looking like a guy. I just love having muscles. Its tons of hard work and dedication. Especially for ladies. But many people just don't like it and they don't understand why I want this kinda look. But who cares I never live to please people.
Maybe not as muscular as her, but definitely getting cuttings like this is a goal of mine.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tuesday- Hari Raya/Vivocity with Aretha
Today.Tuesday.Hari Raya, Public HolidayGreat finally a holiday. Phew. Went to gym at 10am to 12p.m.
*Taken yesterday in dad's car on the way to school.
Vivocity With ArethaWent out with Aretha to Vivocity to check out this new shopping mall. My gosh, the place is effing crowded! Kinda felt like KL's megamall. And its HUGE. To cover 1 floor is like covering the whole of Tampines Mall. I hate crowds honestly. Didn't think it would be THIS crowded. Forgot to snap some pictures of the crowd to give you an idea of how pack it is.. shucks.Among the crowd, had an eye contact with this person. Like.. chemistry. Kept looking at each other in a captivated way, kinda like in the movies, as we walked past each other. Aww. Unfortunately, I can't remember how she looks like now. But I can remember that she is kinda pretty. Lots of retail outlets, but nothing special. Even Gap is like BORING. The clothes are like.. Fox? Nuthing great. Trust me, I am a Fashion Student.Food-wise, they had this cafe with a funny name: WHITE DOG CAFE. Me and Aretha walked past it probably like.. 5 times? Haha, we were there for a few hours. And there is this new cafe yet to be opened, called Boosters. And there was an Ad outside that said, "Looking for BOOSTIES".. They actually call their staffs BOOSTIES. Sounds so.. WRONG. Like so raunchy.Vivocity is nothing special, except for the fact that it is huge. I'll probably come back when the initial excitement sizzles out and there is a lesser crowd. Eating all the crap todayHad 3 Subway cookies at Harbourfront Centre. Ah.. couldn't resist. Haven had Subway cookies in ages. Wanted more. Haha. When Aretha bought New Zealand Ice Cream, I wanted to eat that too. Aww shucks. Had Sakae Sushi dinner. Had to queue so long just to get in. No buffet, so had to 'limit' and 'choose wisely'. So I only had 5 plates, as compared to my normal 20 plates. No kick sia 5 plates.
My hair looks gross now. That's why I wear a cap to school. Ain't got money to cut my hair shucks.
This machine is used to make the rice. Interesting. I always thought they used their hands to roll the rice.Candy Empire- bought a small box of Starburst jellybeans. Delicious. One of the best jellybeans I've ever eaten. $2.40. Because the more I ate, the more guilty I felt, I only ate 1/4 of the box and Aretha ate some and the rest I threw it away. Calories, calories, calories.. Aww..
I can finally fit into this pair of jeans!I am finally able to wear this Giodarno jeans. Haven been able to wear since eternity. Being able to fit into it and zip it up was one of my goals when I started working out. And now I am able to do so! I used to be so small I couldn't even pull it up my fat legs, what more to button it across my fat waist.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday- Oct 23
Today.Monday.Stupid blog systemOn Friday, after typing a whole chunk of words, I tried to upload it. But the system suddenly screwed up and my whole post went missing! I was too pissed to blog until today. Please God-of-blogs, don't screw me up this time round again. GymWent to the gym at 10am to do a quick 1 hr weights workout and 15mins run because I had to be in school by 1pm for MIS project meeting with Min. Whined to Liz about my sore arse and sore quads. MISMin came late so I hung around school with a couple of friends. Today only Min and I and this other gal came for class. Poor Paige. No one can be bothered about her class. Anyway Min and I left after we completed our MS Excel entry. Well at least we are faster than the rest now. :)Rebellious kidsOn bus 69, Min and I talked about how pissed our moms are with us. Her mom is pissed with her for being rebellious (clubbing, smoking, tattoo-would be pissed too if I were her mom haha. Which mom wouldn't be), and my mom is pissed with me for my piercing. It sure ain't easy to be a parent. Cute babies with fat cheeks might just turn into a tattooed, profanity-spewing monster.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Thurday- Orientation workout
Today.Thursday.Went to school earlyDecided to go to school early so that I can complete and print my MIS case 4, because I had to go to Parkway for an appointment with Liz. Reached school, found my SF clan crowded around a computer. Walked in, and they started shouting, "Check timetable! Schedule is out!" I panicked, and quickly rushed to my computer.Shit, I have Sourcing & Costing from Mon-Fri 3-6pm, AND Apel 2 on Sat 9-12p.m. SHIT! 6 days of school! Are they trying to kill me?!?! And this screws up my plan to work.. So now only December, February and April is my holiday. However, I am going to try to drop my Brand Building subject which is scheduled for March. If I manage to drop it, my hols will be from Feb to May! Holy Screaming Insanity! LizMet Liz at 2p.m. Basically, it was just to show her my Weight Training book that I bought so that she can clarify exercises that I am not sure about- the technique and stuff. Corrected my lateral raise alignment. Saw Keith, and Liz said he didn't look too happy when he saw us talking. Muz be thinking that Liz is stealing his potential 'client'. We talked alot, and the next thing I knew it was 4.20pm! I was supposed to be in school at 3pm for MIS! So I told her I gotta rush off and quickly changed and left. Took bus 15 to school. Around East Coast area, just had this gut feeling to call Jan. And when I called her, I found out class ended already! At 4.30pm?!?! Haha wah lao when I never go school Paige end so early.. SUCKER! Quickly alighted. Then I decided to go back to the gym since I was so free. Called Liz, asked her whether she was free to do the Orientation Workout with me at 5pm. Basically, the Orientation Workout is complimentary to new members- Introduces the machines/equipment. It is part of the 5 free Personal Training sessions. Orientation WorkoutLiz concentrated on equipments that would improve my back because I have a DAMN WEAK BACK. I admit I concentrate too much on my arms.. Cause the biceps, triceps, anterior deltoids, middle deltoids and posterior deltoids are the most 'visible' and 'attractive' muscles.. So if I wanna show off.. Haha. Who will flex the Lats(side back muscles) rite.. :P I also have weak hamstrings and quads. Plus my weak back, my back often suffers from back pain. Hence Liz told me to stop neglecting my back and legs.OatsLiz told me to try Oats. Honestly I hate Oats because mom used to forced me to eat when I was young. But since Liz says so, I will TRY to incoporate it into my 5 meals as 1 of my meals. TRY. Haha but if I can learn to eat vegetables, I can definitely learn to eat Oats. So it will be Oats with 3 or 4 egg whites and some banana/honeydew. :) Turining into a health nut. Haha.Flab to Fit JourneyWeigh-in today- I am 54.6kg! And my fat percentage has dropped from 29.1% to 26.3% in 15 days! Congratulate me! -Pure Hard Work and Strict Diet-
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wednesday- Look for jobs/jan
Today.Wednesday.Job HuntToday I've started searching for a job. Need to work to pay for trainer and courses. NOT to buy stuff anymore. Haha. Sacrifices have to be made to pursue some dreams. Thank God I found out that Stege at Parkway sells transparent lip piercing stud. So now this problem is officially resolved. Prob: Its $18. For a plastic?!?! SchoolI DREAD school. What am I doing in this course?!?! Anyway, here's a shout-out to JAN. Thank you babe for helping me(letting me copy your work) in MIS. Without you, I ain't gonna pass/survive this subject. You are my SAVIOUR!
Jan- Resting during MIS class.
My 3rd meal of the day- 1 Banana, 2 Honeydew and 1 Papaya. I try to eat 4-5 meals a day. It helps to keep my metabolism high the whole day. Tip of the day: 'Grazing'- spreading out your meals by eating every 3 hours, helps you lose weight. Just remember though, eating more meals can be bad if you choose high-caloric food. It would then defeat the whole purpose of 'Grazing'.

Taken in the school toilet :D
Cycle Class
Went for 7.30pm spinning class.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tuesday- nice trainers/tough sch
Today.Tuesday.Flab To Fit JourneyI am.. 55kg! Dropped another 0.5kg. I hope the next time I 'weigh-in', it will be 54.5kg. People, stone me if I don't reach that weight. I am SUPPOSED to lose 0.5kg every week. But you know lah my mouth sometimes have a brain of its own.. Morning CycleThe 'Kiasu-ism' of me was displayed. Last week I could not attend the 9a.m Spinning class as it was full. Hence today I decided to be DAMN EARLY. Registration opens at 8.30a.m, but I decided to go at 8a.m. So when I reached Planet, there was so queue yet, and I just sat at the lounge area. By 8.15a.m, the queue started. By 8.20a.m IT WAS FULL. Well, I was glad that I was the SECOND in line :)Gosh, another sissy instructor. By the first 15mins, my quads were screaming for a rest. You just wouldn't believe what kinda hell my legs went through early in the morning. I SOOOO wanted to give up at the half hour mark. But that would be too pai seh wouldn't it? I'm the youngest, everyone else are tai tais and aunties.. how can I lose to them? So I psyche myself to push pass the pain barrier.By the end of the class, as I came off the bike, I almost collapsed on the floor, because my legs had NO MORE STRENGTH. No joke people. This is the first time my legs gone 'cold turkey' after a spinning class. As gay as he is, Martin (instructor) sure is a slave-driver.End of Culture lecturesToday is the last Culture lecture. Our final major assignment is supposed to be a group project. Selina, my fellow ADMer, was supposed to be like a group with me. We agreed on our first lecture. But she told me that "erm sorry my group is full already". Well, its okie, I prefer to do individual work anyway. But fuck you really, because if Devin didn't allow me to do individual work, I would be so dead. You are as bad as Phoebe.I hate Merchandising Information System (MIS)I swear to God, I can't wait for MIS to end. Had to submit Case 3 today, have to submit Case 4 TOMORROW. Can you believe this.. OMFG! Totally don't catch an balls for Case 4, so I slipped off frm school at 4.30ish p.m and went to the gym instead. More productive. Tomorrow go school then copy someone's work. Heck care already. :) Anyway I was so bored during MIS that I took some fun pics.
I kept calling her name and when she turned around I got this best picture of Jan ever. Haha.
Shot of my lecturer Paige's butt
My current favourite 'SIN'. Some of my friends don't like the taste though. :(
Liz is the nicest personal trainer ever! After talking, she actually gave me advices on how to improve, and actually offered to do goal-setting and gym-orientation on thursday! Its not even her business.. I mean, she is not even getting paid for all these! But she is so nice! And she is so easy to talk to. My gawd, at least she understands the money issue for students like me.. Unlike Keith, who probably only cares about earning my money. Hmph.. And the best thing is that Liz actually trains people at Gallery Hotel's gym 360, which is also the place of trainers like Joan Liew and Sue! Both my idols! Now all I can think of is to find a job so that I can afford to have sessions under these 3 ladies! Fantastica~
*Joan Liew's picture can be viewed at my earlier post probably a few days ago.
*Sue is the Body Combat instructor I was talking about in an earlier post. The muscular one.
Did 30mins weights on my shoulders and triceps. Then I went for Sophia's 6.30pm Body Combat class.
Job Issues
I am trying to find a job. But because of my lip piercing I don't think there are many jobs available for me. Is it worth the sacrifice? That's whats on my mind now.. Anyone knows any jobs/places that will confirm hire me? TAG ME!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Monday- Bought books, tshirts
Today.Monday.GymNo school today (actually I have Culture class :D ), so I went to the gym. Did weights for back and biceps. Ran for 30 mins. Went home for lunch.Books and TshirtsWent to Bras Basah. Bought 6 books and 4 fitness magazines for $25. Second hand. I bargained from $30.50 to $25. Haha. Then took a bus down to Peninsular Plaza. Bought a black Volcom shorts for $35 after bargaining from $49. Bought another 2 black tees for $20 after bargaining from $24. Black tees.. I always buy black tees. And I always wear it with my Levis jeans. Haha. Its like my uniform or something..? Geez.. :D
Sunday, October 15, 2006
sunday- slack at home
Today.Sunday.Zzzz...Stayed at home the whole day today. Did not go to the gym cause Sunday is my rest day. Was so bored at home that I ended up eating eating my Iko Oat biscuits due to boredom. Thats bad, cause that is emotional eating. I should like slice my mouth off or something. Surf the net, played my guitar, read newspapers.. The worse part was having no new book to read cause I just finished reading a new book. Yawn..Today I made my delicious Chrystabelle's Tuna Tofu Pineapple Salad! Half a can of tuna, lettuce, tofu, pineapples and 2 egg whites.. I love this stuff! Oh and I had Miso soup with seaweed.. Ooo la la.. :D
No school tomorrow. Fantastic. Going to the gym, then I'll go down to Bras Basah to buy more books to read. Can't live without a storybook.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Saturday- Met Michelle/Went queensway
Today. Saturday.Spinning ClassWoke up this morning, just didn't feel like going for spinning class. Just wanted to skip exercise today! But of course I didn't give in to my head's demon voices and dragged myself to the gym. Fell asleep on the bus to Parkway. Wanted to alight halfway and take another bus home. Haha. That was how 'motivated' I was. :DWent out with MichelleMet Michelle at 2 at Cineleisure for lunch. Haven met her in ages! And she still look hot! Too bad she ain't 15% or else.. Haha Shermain knows what I mean. So we talked alot about our lip piercings and the effect it had on our moms and friends :) Her mom didn't talk to her for 7 days, mine was 13 days. Oh did I mention that it was my sister who convinced my mom to start talking to me? Love ya Clara :). Then we went to Heerens and she bought a pair of Haivannas slippers. Kept asking me whether it is too plain or not.. Haha girls just can't make up their mind when it comes to shopping! The weather was scorching hot today and we decided to take bus 14 to Queensway shopping centre cause Michelle wanted to buy hockey shoes. Her friend would be there to help her bargain/choose. Haha. We past by Lime's flea market, walked one round, left cause there was nothing interesting. Couldn't find bus 14's bus stop, and when we finally found it, I was drenched in sweat. Missed the bus, so we had to wait damn fucking long for the next bus 14. Gosh we were like whinners cause we kept whinning about the heat and the slow bus. Then we admired this super beautiful condo in front of us. Glass house. Shopping 'Spree'Bought a nike cap for $18 and weight training gloves for $19 at Queensway. Cap because I like to wear cap at the gym cause I hate it when my hair gets drenched in sweat. But I can't possibly wear a trucker cap to work out.. So gotta get a 'Sports' cap. Haha which I think looks gross if I wear it to any place other than the gym. DinnerToday I cooked my first TOFU and I am so proud of myself! I didn't know it was so easy- boil water, then throw the tofu in and let it cook for 5 mins! I thought it was a damn complicated process haha. So I had lettuce, a can of tuna light, pineapple and tofu.. Sorta like a salad bowl. Fucking DELICIOUS! Haha. Never knew healthy food could taste so good before :)
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday- Skipped sch/gym/sakae
Today.Friday.3.5 hours at the gymBecause of yesterday's indulgence in Gelare and today's Sakae, I spent 3 and a half hours (2 sessions) working my ass off. Went to the gym at 12.15p.m. First session would be just walking. But don't under estimate the power of walking. Because walking at 6km/hr on an incline of 11 is hard work. It is so steep I couldn't let my hands off or else I will fall off the treadmill. Walked for 1 and a half hour, but by the one hour mark I thought I couldn't feel my toes. Total distance covered was 8km. I walked 8km. OMFG. Then I left at 2.30pm to meet Fish for Sakae.Sakae SushiMet Fish. Was quite disappointed when she said she had to leave a 3.45pm cause I thought we could spend more time together. But its okie lah Fishy Poon if you are reading which I know you will, cause I understand. K? Haha so no worries and don't beat yourself to death. I should do that for you. Haha JOKING!Service at Parkway's Sakae is SLOW. Repeat: S.L.O.W. Our temaki and chawanmushi took like super long to arrive. I was joking maybe they had to go and catch the chicken to make it lay eggs. And there was this super weird waitress. She spoke like as if she had worked 1000 years without rest, and she had this 'mentally unsound' look. When she suddenly pop her face between me and Fish, I almost had a heart attack due to the freakish face. Readers BEWARE.Had around 20 plates. Mostly soft shell crab temaki and soft shell crab maki. Had a few fried maki (sinful), tofu and some tuna stuff. Haha as usual I don't eat the rice so I stuff the rice in between plates. We left around 4p.m, which was record time for me to leave a Sakae's buffet cause I'll usually stay till 6. Went homeAfter Sakae I decided to go home first. Didn't know whether I should go back to school cause today supposed to do and submit MIS case 3 work. But in the end too lazy to go school. Reached home, felt so sick cause I was so full. For once, I actually had a feeling of 'hatred' for Sakae. I just wanted to puke. Went back to gymReached the gym around 7pm. Did my weights (back & biceps today) for 20 mins, then went to walk on the treadmill for 30mins. Same incline, same speed. I hate running on treadmills, but I totally love walking. The key to being consistent in exercising is to do what you like. If you hate running, then find an alternative, like sports/walking/group classes/eclip trainer. Endless choices. Went for Body Combat class at 8p.m. Good class today! At the end both my feet had this sharp pain. I think its probably due to the walking. But no pain, no gain :) I'm feeling so shagged now. Tomorrow morning still got spinning (cycling) class.
Thursday- Met Shermain/Diet Spoiled
Today.Thursday.Weird DreamHad 2 damn weird dream last night. First I dreamt that my mom wanted us to go on a holiday to Msia for 1 month and I only found out 1 day before the departure day. The weird thing was instead of feeling the usual 'highs' of going to Msia for holiday, I was feeling panicky because I was thinking OMG I am gonna waste 1 month of my Gym Membership! Then the rest of the dream was about trying to call Planet to 'freeze' my membership. Even in my dreams I cannot run away from the gym -_-"Second dream was even weirder. I dream that Ang X.Y pierced her lips and was wearing super emo clothes! When I woke up I immediately sms her about the dream haha. Of all people to dream about lip piercing, I dream about Ang. She is the LAST person to do that :DSchool.Didn't go for Director's Meeting because it was so early in the morning (9am). Skipped culture class too. Only went for MIS because I had to submit my work. Skipping school tomorrow too to go out with Fish haha.Cycling at East CoastAfter school, went home to take bike, then cycled all the way to East Coast Park to find Shermain. Reached East Coast's arcade, hung around there till 8pm, then went cycling for an hour with Shermain and her friends- 3 bungs (Kaeson, Kraven and Cain), 1 femme (W.Z) and 1 straight (J.M). I was joking that the arcade is Crooked Land. Felt quite bored at the arcade.. Not quite an arcade person haha xcept House Of The Dead!
Shermain and Cain 'dancing' the Para Para dance revolution. More like 'hand wavings' :DBad Intake Of Food Today!Today's food log is bad. Everything was good until I reached school and Jan had this packet of biscuits. Ate quite a number.. Felt so guilty. Then dinner was Chicken Foldover from McDonalds w/o Mayo, which was calorie-wise alright (Approx 300cals). But after cycling me and Shermain (Shin) had Gelare. This TOTALLY killed my day's 1200 cal limit. Had trutti fruitti waffle (the least evil amongst the EVILS), and I did not add ice cream even though i badly wanted to eat cream having not eaten it for many months. Ice cream would make a bad supper even worse.Tomorrow's Workout PlanSo I have planned for tomorrow's workout. 1st session will be 1 hr on treadmill (constant speed), 1 hr on eclip.trainer, 30mins of interval cardio training. 2nd session (after I meet Jing Yu for Sakae's sinful dinner) will be weights, then 1 hr of Body Combat. Yeah that should be all.
Gelare's Trutti Frutti Waffle. $7.20! Fucking Expensive!
Twinie Shermain 'Shin'

The 'Lip Piercers' twinies

I Am A Trucker Shit :P
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Tuesday- Woke up early to cycle but class full!
Today.Tuesday.Woke up early I woke up at 7.15a.m because I wanted to attend the 9a.m cycling class. Reached there at 8.30a.m, there was already a long queue even though registration opens only 30mins prior to class! I was worried there will not be enough spaces.. true enough me and the lady in front of me didn't get our slots cause it was full! So damn irritating! Woke up so early then it was all in vain. Luckily today is my work out day for chest, shoulders, deltoids and triceps so I decided to do my weights since I was already there. Went to school late..again
After workout I went home.. ate a can of tuna for protein. Then my lunch 2 hours later. By the time I left home, it was 12.15p.m. Haha class started at 12p.m. As usual, I am the latest student.
Left the lecture hall when our lecturer started playing this tape. After 45mins of break (haha SLACKER), I decided to go back. Then I met Jo, this bung I knew from Coral last time, outside my lecture hall. Her friend next to her started talking to me about the culture class, then I realised that she was in my culture class. Haha sorry dude I don't actually notice who is in my class.
So the girl asked me why am I always late for class, and I said because I don't give a shit about culture & expression. She also said that she saw me falling asleep durng lecture and nudge her friend to look. I was like.. WHAT.. you even saw me sleeping? Asked me whether I know her name, and I said how would I know I ain't psychic I can't read your mind. So she said I'm Sarah, and I replied I'm Chris. Then she said yeah I know your name cause on the first day our lecturer called out my name and he kept saying "Chris? Erm.. Chrystabelle?" to mark attendance. Like that she also remmbered.. steady lah she.Body Combat ClassWent back to the gym for Body Combat after MIS class. I am like the only responsive one in the class? I think I must have thick skin because no one shouted except me. But its okie, because it makes my workout more enjoyable. I don't care what people think of me, because I am stronger and fitter than most of them in the class HAHA. NASBefore Body Combat, I talked to Keith cause he was hanging outside the Body Combat studio. Then I saw this malay/indian(?) trainer working out. Haha and he actually started talking to me when he saw me laughing about his tee, which read "WILL FLEX FOR FOOD"! Haha damn joker lah he. And he is damn a funny guy. His name is NS (pronounced as NAS). Haha. Started asking me like am I new, what are my goals and stuff.. Then as usual the sales pitch "if you have anything to ask can come and find me". Haha common words to sell personal training. But honestly, I would prefer him as my personal trainer than Keith. Cos Keith is more serious? But I'll feel like a traitor sia to Keith..
Monday, October 09, 2006
Monday- School, Gym
Today.Monday.School.Went to school slightly earlier today to print my poster. God, bloody design school now charges us for printing! Already the high expenses we stupid design students pay for our materials.. Idiots. Culture class was suppose to start at 12p.m but I was still hanging outside the lecture hall with Estee, Jan, Clar and Emily.. And a damn irritating Phoebe. Gosh I swear I never knew how one person could be so oblivious to how much I and the rest of us hate her! Its like she TOTALLY don't get the hints we show to get her off our backs- the eye rolling, the nonchalent attitude.. Hey housefly, just zoom off my back! TWAT! Anyway I went in late.. again. Haha. I'm late everyday. On purpose. Haha. Centre of attention. Attention seeker. I AM thick skin ya noe.. Haha.Halfway through the lecture I left and hung out with them again-without Phoebe. Haha. I just had to add that in! :) Went back in like 45mins later. Which anyway the class ended like 10mins after I went in. Haha. I love classes with freedom!Is Paige an Idiot?Honestly I don't mean to insult my lecturer, but really! Who takes 1 hour and 15 mins to teach how to draw a flowchart?!?! Its like a DUH thing! I mean, just show us the basic functions of the software and that will do! Gosh! So I honestly went to MIS class for NOTHING. Damn waste of time. And poor Jan was feeling sick. GymMIS class ended like at 4.15p.m so decided to go to the gym earlier. Was actually planning to go at 6.45p.m. So I met Keith, a personal trainer, and I asked him to show me some weight training for my Latissimus Dorsi..erm, which is sorta like your side back muscles haha. He showed me the assisted chin up machine. How to use and stuff. Then he went away so I carried on doing. I think I didn't focus on my Lats enough because I was feeling mainly my biceps? So anyway he came up to me and then started saying that oh I should sign up for at least 5 personal training sessions with him cause I don't even know the basics like working the back muscles. And that running on the threadmill is not enought to lose weight.DUH! Of course I know its a combination of cardio, weights and diet! He thinks I am stupid? Haha. All that selling.. Haha. But of course I would love to have personal training lah, its a guaranteed way to get the looks I want, plus you learn all the right stuff. But hello, not EVERYONE can afford. $400 for 5 sessions! I told him if I want I hafta wait till I find a job first during my hols, cos student where got money. But come to think of it, if I do get a personal trainer, I am not sure whether I want Keith. I mean, he knows his stuff, you can tell by his body haha, but I am not sure whether I like his personality and stuff. Well, find a job first Chris. Haha. I am feeling happy. Haha. Because Ronald (my fellow Admer) said that I lost weight and I look different and better now! And amanda (my fellow Admer too) said I am more confident now! Haha. Nothing beats compliments. I am a sucker for it!
Oh, did I metion I am going to sign up for Basic Exercise Course (BEC)? Its my first step to... haha a job in the fitness industry? But for now, its just to equip myself with more knowledge. So if I pass, anyone wants personal training by me? :)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Sunday-Surfer Look Haha
Today.Sunday.Mom spoke to me yesterdayWell yesterday my mom finally broke her silence. After 13 days. But not to talk to me. Rather to tell me not to drink too much of her health product at one time because its expensive. Erm.. Okie? Haha. And not to on my laptop when I am out. Waste of electricity. But I am downloading shows wad.. :(Ellen Degeneres show So anyway I woke up this morning and I couldn't leave my room because I knew my mom was downstairs. So I patiently waited and watched Ellen Degeneres's The Ellen Show on Youtube. I know my mom's schedule so I know she'll leave home around 2.30pm to go and work. The Ellen Show was damn funny! She said this particular line, "Let's give our homes to the homeless, food to the foodless, and blood to the bloodless".. !! Haha she's damn funny. Her show is a totally cool comedy. I admire her, she is such an inspiration. Unfortunately I know of people who don't like her because she is a lesbian. Such shallow friends I have man.. One commented that she can't imagine kissing a girl.. Right in front of me. I don't think she knows I am JUST LIKE ELLEN. A 'FREAK'. HAHA. Pervasive, is what some people call us. I was reading this forum on the internet and many homophobic Singaporeans actually said unkind things about gays,lesbians and bi. Are we not humans too? One even commented that 'we should act properly if we want respect from people'. So are we acting like apes now? Many people look at us with a judgemental eye. I was at East Point bus stop just now and this couple, a butch and a femme (b.t.w it is not always a 'guy' and a 'gal' in a lesbian relationship, all you simple minded straight people haha), walked past the bus stop. This man, he kept STARING at them with a disgusted look. I almost went up to him and punch him. I am just an AVERAGE person ain't IOn my way home from Simei on bus 38, I was thinking about myself- what best describes me. Which I have to conclusion that I am just an average person. I have always been Average in everything I do- studies, CCA, my musical ability, my drawings and paintings, my looks (I think. I hope :S .. Pls don't tell me that I am ugly. And fat. I have worked really hard to make myself look better. Don't break my heart). I am never able to excel in anything, even though some things I put my heart into. Like.. painting. I love painting, but somehow I ain't gonna end up as the next Salvador Dali. I love playing the guitar, but I will never be the next Yngwie Malmsteen. I love playing sports, but somehow I am never good enough. So.. I am just an average person. I do hope someday I'll find something that I can really excel in. I don't just wanna 'sail' through my life- average and ordinary. Culture and Expression ProjectMy project is about finding something that represents Sporean and the culture. Then take photos and write a report on it. So I decided to do on parents wanting their children to excel in their studies. I mean, this is SO singaporean. So I went to East Point's Popular and snap pictures of parents looking through primary school assesment books. But I had to do it discreetly. Didn't want to be caught and mistaken as a paedophile taking pictures of little kids. Haha.
Saw DesireeAfter taking pictures, I went down to Amore to find Desiree. Haha think she was surprised to see me. She complained about the haze and how she almost 'died' while leading the aerobic routine at yesterday's Women Day Out.The HazeOh, talking about the haze, I actually thought the 'smoke' was due to the lantern festival. People burning candles. Then someone told me it was the Indonesian fire. I swear I was totally embarrased. AM I AN IDIOT?!?!
Pondering on bus 38
Friday, October 06, 2006
-UPDATE-Body Combat ClassAs I said in my earlier post, I heard that the instructor of the Body Combat class is a hottie. And also because I saw her picture in the Planet Fitness Schedule Guide. When I saw her in real life, she is erm.. Not that pretty lah, but DAMN MUSCULAR. And she has a DAMN DEEP VOICE (mine is deep, hers is like a man-dere's a difference), which might indicates she is taking or was on steroids. Because steroids deepens a woman's voice as a side-effect. Hmm. The class was damn fun! Not as tiring as Rasol's kickboxing, but it is so fun because this group of guys (are they gays? you can never tell who's who at the gym) kept shouting and it sorta made the class damn energetic, unlike Amore's 'cause maybe girls/ladies are more reserved? Haha. Before class I ran for 30 mins (3.5km) to burn off the calories of the cookies I ate. Haha, the price of cheating. Tonight's dinner was a can of tuna and massive volume of Iceberg Lettuce. Haha 30grams of protein to feed the muscles and lots of fibre. Haha 'cause no money right now to buy protein shakes so bo bian gotta find the cheapest subsitute for protein- tuna cans (Only 123 cals and 30grams of protein)! Yummy. But my sister was like, "What kind of food is this?". Haha, to her dinner meant like RICE, HOR-FUN, NOODLES, at the very least, BREAD. Which i believe most people have this mindset too. -_-" Those food are HIGH in calories and LOW in nutritional values. So it makes you wonder WHY people still eat them.Why do couples fight over the smallest thing? Shermain sms me at 7pm plus and told me she was stuck in the middle of a couple's quarrel, N and C. Which makes me wonder, why do people in love fight over stupid things like, WHERE TO EAT?!?! It probably is a sign that the relationship is growing cold, and that the couple is still hanging on because of familarity, and its tiring to get to know a new person all over again. Its like repeating a process. Love- and the trouble it brings. Ain't I glad I am single. (Not really haha) :)
Friday-Rotting At Home
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Wednesday- Fitness Consultation/release of results
Today.Wednesday.Fitness ConsultationAs part of Planet Fitness new member service, I get 5 free personal training sessions. So today was the first, which was basically just a fitness consultation. It is basically just to assess my fitness level and determines my fitness needs. So my trainer was this big, muscular, bulky guy called Keith. I joked about how he and other muscular trainers walk- like apes. Haha their arms are so huge they can't put it to the side of their body! So first we did the ht and weight measurement- YAY I'M 55.5kg AGAIN! Next was the Body Composition Test, which basically just calculates my body fat mass and my lean muscle mass and basal metabolic rate(which means the total amt.of calories my body is burning at rest for 24hrs). My body fat is in the 'high' range(shit i know lah). I am made up of 86.5lbs of lean mass(bone,muscle, and connective tissue) and 35.5lbs of fat mass. My healthy range is 17.1-22.0. EEKS.Then we did a Cardiovascular Test. All the results of the tests are compared to other females between the ages 14-19. My cardio results places me in 95th percentile and that means I exceed it! Yay! It better.. After all the crazy workouts.. How can my cardio be lousy after all the kickboxing and running at Amore. :D Next was the Bicep Strength Test. I was shocked at the results. I am only an average! How can that be! I pump more weights than other females at the gym! Everyone else do light weights,heavy repetitions, and that makes me wanna laugh and roll on the floor. If I am average, then those ladies must be Poor or Fair. Jeez.. I better pump more now!Last was the Flexibility Test. I am of 'average'. Which is a good result, because I always fail my sit-and-reach, and for my previous flexibility test at Amore when I first joined was a FAILURE. Haha. So, improvement! At the end of the consultation Keith sorta told me some stuff about the food to eat and stuff.. and I was sitting there thinking like "I ALREADY KNOW FOR GOD'S SAKE I READ UP SO MUCH I CAN BE A TRAINER"! Things like choose complex carbs versus simple carbs (like duh..), heavy weights,light reps versus light weights,heavy reps.. Well at least he gave me some ideas about protein shakes to build muscle mass. But protein shakes are expensive... So I'll probably start saving up. He also told me to cut down on carbs. Which was funnily coincidental, because today's subscription email to Jillian Michaels(trainer of the Biggest Loser show) daily tips is about "THE TRUTH ABOUT CARBS"!So here is what Jillian has to say about carbs in her email today.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Truth About CarbsTo eat or not to eat?
When it comes to carbs, that really is the question. Sure, it's tough figuring out how carbs fit into a healthy diet these days, but it's not imposssible.
Just keep in mind that all carbs aren't created equal. Some are good and some are bad. Let's take a closer look at "bad carbs" and how they got that way.
"Bad" carbs are the ones that get broken down in the body very quickly, triggering insulin release and promoting fat storage. If a food is high in bad carbs, it ranks high on the glycemic load index (GLI), scoring 15 or higher.
Refined sugars and processed grains are good examples - they break down quickly in our bodies because they've been processed in a factory. In fact, these processes are similar to the ones in out digestive system, so these foods are - in a strictly technical sense - partially digested before we even eat them. Sort of gross, right?
These kinds of carbs are found in packaged foods such as white bread, pasta, crackers, baked goods, and other foods that are made with white flour and contain little or no fiber.Think you can never have a slice of bread again? That's the old way of thinking. Bread, pasta - even crackers - can remain on your grocery list
as long as they don't contain white, bleached, or refined flour. Whole wheat breads and
pastas make perfect (and delicious) sense. Look at the label.
"Whole wheat" or "whole grain" should be the first thing on the ingredients list.
So, what's the verdict on these kinds of carbs? Stay away! They can sabotage you and your weight-loss and fitness goals.
So basically people if you are reading my blog and you feel like losing weight, STAY AWAY FROM "BAD" CARBS! Rather, choose "GOOD CARBS" like Wholemeal, Wholegrain, Wholewheat etc.. Another reason is because they are lower in sugar, and once you cut down on your sugar, you will definitely lose weight (SO CUT DOWN YOUR SUGARED DRINKS!).Last Semester results are out!-History of Costume- C (Not bad considering I submitted a really SMALL sketchbook which had only 2 sketches in it haha Wilson prob hates me now) -Fashion Retail Management-B+
-Advanced CAD- B (I thot I would get an A! Bloody Vernon!)
-Apparel Manufacturing Process- C+
-Pattern Grading- C+ (Not bad considering I hated this subject)
-Professional Communication for Design- B
-Leadership and Character- C+ (Me, a leader with character? Haha!)
So my cumulative G.P.A to date is only a pathetic 2.48. Haha.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tuesday-Nothing Much
Today.Tuesday.Dreamt of Leisha Hailey?Ok I had this total weird dream last night. I dreamt I was with Leisha Hailey of the L Word(She plays Alice)! Like OMFG? Its so weird cos' she ain't my kind of type! And the dream was weird, something like either she or me (I forgot) were going to church camp and we were gonna miss each other?!?! Like.. WTF HUH?!?! Anyway I woke up sorta laughing.. I think I must be honestly going crazy. 
Leisha Hailey
Late for schoolI was an hour late for school today. Because I went to the gym. Haha. Actually I planned to go school late. SUCH BORING CLASS. Devin showed us a video on EVOLUTION. Like WTF has that got to do with culture & expression?? -DUH- And we had to submit a report on a survey on how living in HDB has impacted lives of Sporeans.. CRAP! Well anyway I've completed it already. In 10 mins. Haha. Sorta like bullshit thru' the whole crap. Paige's Merchandising Information System class was honestly damn tiring. I fell asleep right in front of her nose (thankfully well hidden behind my computer), and she only found out I was sleeping cos' she was wondering why the class was so quiet.. Damn in secondary school teachers also found out I was sleeping because the class was unusually quiet! Like hello, am I a radio?
More pics from the gathering!
Haha Estee just send me some more pics.

Monday-Sch Starts.
Today.Monday.School startsOh God, Culture & Expression is BORING! Like.. what is culture, how can we apply culture in our design.. HUH?!?! So I left halfway.. Couldn't take it anymore. Well, at least there were good-looking people in my class. 15% or 85%? Haha.. Devin(my lecturer) said that our final assignment we can choose to go to Sentosa or Marina Bay, then Selina(my fellow ADMer) said "instead of baywatch, we can hunkwatch" and I just smiled politely. Hunks? Eeww.. Bring on the babes! Haha! Obviously she thinks I'm into guys.. Which is so weird cause' its so obvious I'm not? Like duh.. Wonder is she trying to act stupid about my sexuality or is she really stupid.. Started a blog to sell my christian booksJing Yu's words sparked an idea in my fantastic brain. SELL MY CHRISTIAN BOOKS TO EARN EXTRA CASH! So i decided to post it on blogspot. http://christiansale.blogspot.comGymWent for Power Attack (similar to Hi/Lo aerobics). OMG the instructor, Kel, is soooo gay! Haha. And I saw Shermain's gay friend Ryan too! Haha, what is it, gay land? Haha. Even the receptionist is also quite sissy. Haha. No wonder they say fitness clubs got alot of gays. Haha. So girls, don't bother hitting the gym to 'catch' good-looking guys- as said by Desiree. Talking about Des, I miss her crappy jokes. Big Time. :(After gym I was starving mad. And Parkway has totally nothing to eat. So i went to McDonalds and ordered their grilled chicken. Grilled chicken foldover has 390kcal. That includes Mayo. So without the mayo it will probably be ard 300kcal. I amazed myself by asking for NO MAYO and EXTRA LETTUCE. 5 months ago if you told me this is what I'll be ordering at Macs, I'll probably laugh at your face and think you are mad. Geez..
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Today.Sunday.What a boring day.Okie, i swear, I AM BORED AT HOME! I so need to get out of the house and do anything! Ok maybe not anything.. :D Went for my second Spinning class(ytd was the first). Today's instructor is Phyllis. Not as fun as yesterday's instructor called Ram. Ram is like so.. FUNNY! He'll go like "hut,hut,hut,hut... Oneeeeee, Twooooo" kinda stuff in a super deep and funny voice. Which makes the class damn enjoyable. Phyllis is more quiet. She is not as animated as Ram. Oh, and did i mention that my ASS is HURTING? I think the bicycle seat is too small for my big ARSE. :S
example of a spinning class
So i was supposed to meet Shermain and Geral after my gym. Went home first to bathe and get money. Had to quietly walked around the house because my mom was at home and i didn't want to have any confrontation (like what the heck(?) i hafta sneak around my own house). Den Main called me (shit the ringtone was so loud!) and told me dun need to come out already. Was kinda happy cos' I was feeling lazy to go out, yet quite sian cos' that means i hafta stay at home and rot! So i waited for mom to go to work, to have the house to myself. Now i don't hafta sneak around like a thief. Fuck Aaron I'm feeling so pissed with Aaron. Who the hell does he think he is to judge Main. He is honestly such a SQUARE. "I don't want to see it next week". WTF? Main, honestly I think we should stick 10,000 piercing needles into his body. School starts tomorrowOh my god, school starts TOMORROW. And I thought it starts on Tuesday. Damn! I am so not looking forward to school. Well, on the bright side, hopefully there are some eye-candies in my class.. better still, 15%. Haha, right Main? Well well well..